In this lucid expose the second letter to the Thessalonians is approached from a historical perspective. The letter is read as part of a process of communication between its sender and the original addressees, making it accessible to the modern reader.
    2 Thessalonians includes a translation of the short Greek text; an historical examination of the letter's genre, authorship and religious milieu; an introduction to apocalyptic eschatology and an extensive commentary on the letter.
    Maarten Menken's book will appeal to theologians, ministers of religion, students of theology and all those interested in biblical studies.

    Introduction Part 1: The setting of 2 Thessalonians 1. 2 Thessalonians as a letter 2. The author of 2 Thessalonians 3. The milieu of 2 Thessalonians Part II: A commentary on 2 Thessalonians 4. The structure of 2 Thessalonians 5. Thessalonians 1: Prescript and proem - The eschatological retribution 6. 2 Thessalonians 2: The body of the letter - The day of the Lord has not yet come 7. Thessalonians 3: Exhortationa and letter-closing - The disorderly brothers and sisters 8. Conclusion: 2 Thessalonians and Paul Bibliography Indexes Subjects Biblical References


    Maarten J.J. Menkin is professor of New Testament Exegesis at the catholic Theological University, Utrecht, The Netherlands.

    `... well-written and contain indexes of texts and authors as well as useful bibliographies ...' - Regents Reviews

    'The commentary is written with beautiful simplicity and clarity, giving an excellent introduction to eschatology and apocalyptic. [It] can be warmly commended for its succinctness and clarity, as well as for its illuminating suggestions at various points. - I. Howard Marshall, Epworth Review