First Published in 1983. Social problems have assumed a growing importance in France, as in all developed countries, especially since the end of the last century. While traditional early nineteenth century liberalism denied the existence of social problems as such, believing the greatest possible economic freedom to be the sole solution to all evils, the emphasis is still placed more and more insistently on the need for a definite and concerted welfare effort, to increase the material well-being of individuals and families. Since the second edition of this book was published in 1962, legislation and welfare services, and social reality itself have changed as much through circumstances as through political and economic evolution. It follows that the present edition of this book is, in fact, an almost wholly new book. It attempts to present a comprehensive view of French social life, drawing attention especially to welfare services and legislation as they are at the beginning of 1979.

    CHAPTER 1 The Population of France in 1978 Changes in the Population CHAPTER 2 The Legal and Administrative Frameworks of Social Action CHAPTER 3 The Means of Preventing and Fighting Illness CHAPTER 5 The Family and the French Family Policy, CHAPTER 6 Motherhood, Childhood and Youth, CHAPTER 7 People and Work, CHAPTER 8 Social Life, CHAPTER 9 The Social Protection of Old People Surviving Spouses and Orphans, CHAPTER 10 Measures for the Compensation, Readaptation and Integration of Certain Categories of the Population, CHAPTER 11 Aliens Living in F r a n c, CHAPTER 12 Social Work, CHAPTER 13 The Nation’s Social Budget


    Pierre Laroque (Author)  President de la section so d a le du Conseil d 9E tat,  Patricia Evans (Author) ,  Roy Evans (Author) ,  P. Laroque (Author)