1st Edition

Mind and Body Spaces Geographies of Illness, Impairment and Disability

Edited By Ruth Butler, Hester Parr Copyright 1999

    Mind and Body Spaces highlights new international research from Britain, USA, Canada and Australia, on bodily impairment, mental health and disabled peoples social worlds. The contributors discuss a variety of current issues including:
    * historical conceptions of the body and behaviour
    * contemporary political activism
    * matters of identity and employment
    * accessible housing
    * parenthood and child carers
    * psychiatric medication use
    * masculinity and sexuality
    * autobiography
    * social exclusion and inclusion.
    The contributors are: Hester Parr, Ruth Butler, Rob Imrie, Michael L. Dorn, Deborah Carter Park, John Radford, Brendan Gleeson, Isabel Dyck, Edward Hall, Pamela Moss, Gill Valentine, Christine Milligan, Flora Gathorne-Hardy, Jane Stables, Fiona Smith and Vera Chouinard.

    1: New Geographies of Illness, Impairment and Disability; 2: The Body, Disability and Le Corbusier's Conception of the Radiant Environment; 3: The Moral Topography of Intemperance; 4: Rhetoric and Place in the ‘Mental Deficiency' Asylum; 5: Can Technology Overcome the Disabling City?; 6: Body Troubles: Women, the Workplace and Negotiations of a Disabled Identity; 7: Workspaces: Refiguring the Disability-Employment Debate; 8: Autobiographical Notes on Chronic Illness; 9: What it Means to be a Man the Body, Masculinities, Disability; 10: Bodies and Psychiatric Medicine: Interpreting Different Geographies of Mental Health; 11: Double the Trouble or Twice the Fun? Disabled Bodies in the Gay Community; 12: Without these Walls: A Geography of Mental Illhealth in a Rural Environment; 13: Accommodating Difference: Social Justice, Disability and the Design of Affordable Housing; 14: ‘Caught in the Cinderella Trap': Narratives of Disabled Parents and Young Carers; 15: Body Politics: Disabled Women's Activism in Canada and Beyond


    Ruth Butler, Hester Parr

    This book provides a significant contribution to the ever widening horizons of: disability and health geographies, (post)-medical geographies and geographies of mental ill health.Overall the book is very thought provoking and may herald the future direction for disability geographies. It will provide stimulating reading for both students and academics with an interest in this subject area - Louise Holt, University of Loughborough, 2002

    In my opinion, this book is an extremely valuable addition to human geography, and the wider social sciences. - Louise Holt, University of Loughborough, 2002