1st Edition

Environmental Movements Local, National and Global

By Christopher Rootes Copyright 1999

    Despite growing evidence of the universality of environmental problems and of economic and cultural globalization, the development of a truly global environmental movement is at best tentative. The dilemmas which confront environmental organizations are no less apparent at the global than at national levels. This volume is a collection of 1990s research on environmental movements in western and southern Europe, the US and the global arena.

    Environmental movements from the local to the global, Christopher Rootes; organizational change in western European environmental groups - a framework for analysis, Mario Dinai, Paolo Donati; dialectics of institutionalization - the transformation of the environmental movement in Germany, Karl-Werner Brand; the German Environmental Movement at a crossroads, Dieter Rucht, Jochen Roose; mobilizing Earth first! in Britain, Derek Wall; local activism, national organizations and the environmental movement in the United States, JoAnn Carmin; networks and mobile arrangements - organizational innovation in the US Environmental Justice Movement, David Schlosberg; consolidation through institutionalization? dilemmas of the Spanish Environmental Movement in the 1990s, Manuel Jimenez; sustaining local environmental mobilizations - groups, actions and claims in southern Europe, Maria Kousis; environmental movements, ecological modernization and political opportunity structures, Hein-Anton van der Heijden; power, politics and environmental movements in the Third World, Jeff Haynes; NGOs and the global environment facility, Zoe Young; The World Trade Organization, social movements and global environmental management, Marc Williams, Lucy Ford; acting globally, thinking locally? prospects for a global environmental movement, Christopher Rootes.


    Rootes, Christopher

    'This is a valuable collection of papers about the political mechanisms of different environmental groups in various countries.' - International Affairs

    'The essays are written clearly and objectively, logically providing in-depth facts and information. The case studies described give excellent examples of real working situations. The reader is able to put the information contained in this book into a real global context of environmentalism in the modern world, and to gain an understanding of the dilemmas facing governments and institutionalised EMOs locally, nationally and globally.' - International Journal of Environmental Education and Information