Peter G Knight Author of Evaluating Organization Development

Peter G Knight

Reader in Geography
Keele University

I am a Geographer with particular interests in Glaciology and Geomorphology and in student learning. I have carried out glaciological research in Greenland and Iceland, and was awarded a National Teaching Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy in 2008. I am a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society and of the Higher Education Academy, and a Chartered Geographer. My books with Routledge include one on Glaciers and two on student dissertations and coursework. I am @petergknight on twitter!

Subjects: Geography


I studied Geography at the Universities of Oxford (BA Hons, 1980-1983) and Aberdeen (PhD, 1984-1987) before taking up a position at Keele University as a lecturer in 1987. I am currently Head of Geography Programmes, and Course Director for Physical Geography. I was awarded a National Teaching Fellowship by the Higher Education Academy in 2008. I am a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and a Chartered Geographer.

Areas of Research / Professional Expertise



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 Featured Title - HOW DO ESSAYS EXAMS & COU IN G - 1st Edition book cover