Inmaculada  Rodríguez-Moya Author of Evaluating Organization Development

Inmaculada Rodríguez-Moya

Tenured Professor
Universitat Jaume I

I am a tenured professor of Art History at the Universitat Jaume I (Spain). I am a widely published expert in the field of my research: Images and symbols of power, with a special emphasis on Habsburgs Iconography, Latin American Art, Emblematics. I have a great research record, that to date includes numerous books and articles that explore the artistic and literary manifestations of symbols of power in Europe and Latin America.


My research has been published in the form of two peer-reviewed monographs, seven co-authored monographs, ten edited volume, twenty three articles in peer-reviewed journals and fifty contributions to edited volumes. Moreover, the findings have been disseminated through lectures and conferences at various European and Latin American academic institutions. I have pursued my research while conducting a large amount of undergraduate teaching and supervision of postgraduate students, as well as discharging the administrative duties deriving from my affiliation to a European public university.
My research has followed four lines of investigation along fifteen years: Iconography of Power, Colonial Art, Emblem Studies and Urbanism History. The line of investigation focusing on Colonial Art begins with my doctoral thesis, defended ant the Universitat Jaume I in 2003. Since then I have studied the Iconography of Power in Latin America from 16th to 19th Century, focusing in Mexico. I have taken part in numerous research projects on this topic, granted by the Spanish Scientific Ministry: Iconography of heroes in Spain and Mexico in 19th Century (2000-2002), Excellence Research Group: Latin American Research Group (2004-2005), Political iconography in Mexico and Spain in 19th Century (Carolina Foundation, 2004-2006), Symbols and Myths in building nations: Spain and Mexico (2007-2009). I have also participate with scientific assessment and contributions to international exhibitions focusing this topic, as Iberoamérica mestiza. Encuentro de pueblos y culturas (2003-2004); Filipinas. Puerta de Oriente (2004), Ecuador. Tradición y Cultura (2007), De novohispanos a mexicanos. Retrato e identidad colectiva en una sociedad en transición (2009). My research on Iconography of Power, including Festivals, began with several research projects granted by the Spanish Scientific Ministery, including three as PI, about nuptial iconography in the European Courts (2009-2010 and 2010-2012), Architecture of Power (2013-2015) and House of Habsburg Iconography (2016-2018). Within the same line of investigation, I also direct two PhD students whose doctoral theses, on Renaissance and Barroque Valencian portrait and Iconography and festivals in the Duchy of Bougundy, will be read in 2017 and 2018, respectively. My research on Emblem Studies and Urbanism History has produced a great number of contributions in conference and peer-reviewed publications.

Research monographs:
-I. Rodríguez, La mirada del virrey. Iconografía del poder en la Nueva España (UJI, Castellón, 2003).
-V. Mínguez, I Rodríguez, Las ciudades del absolutismo. Arte, urbanismo y magnificencia en Europa y América durante los siglos XV-XVIII (UJI, Castellón, 2006).
-I. Rodríguez, El retrato en México: 1781-1867. Héroes, emperadores y ciudadanos para una nueva nación (Diputación de Sevilla, Universidad de Sevilla, CSIC, Sevilla, 2006).
-V. Mínguez, P. González, I. Rodríguez, La fiesta barroca. El Reino de Valencia, 1599-1802 (UJI, Castellón, 2010).
-V. Mínguez, I. Rodríguez, P. González, J. Chiva, La fiesta barroca. Los virreinatos americanos, 1559-1808 (UJI, Castellón, 2012).
-I. Rodríguez, V. Mínguez, Himeneo en la corte. Poder, representación y ceremonial nupcial en el arte y la cultura simbólica (CSIC, 2013)
-V. Mínguez, I. Rodríguez, Napoleón y el espejo de la Antigüedad. Arqueología de las imágenes del poder (Universidad de Valencia, 2014).  
-I. Rodríguez, V. Mínguez, The Seven Ancient Wonders in the Early Modern World (Routledge, 2017).


    Phd in Art History

Areas of Research / Professional Expertise

    Art History, Emblematic, Iconography, Cultural Heritage, Baroque Festivals, Latin American Art

Personal Interests

    Cinema, Books, Travel



Featured Title
 Featured Title - The Seven Ancient Wonders in the Early Modern World - 1st Edition book cover


Revista Quintana, vol. 14, 2015

Lujo textil en la Corte novo hispana

Published: Feb 24, 2017 by Revista Quintana, vol. 14, 2015
Authors: Inmaculada Rodríguez Moya
Subjects: History

Este texto revisa el uso de tejido ricos en la corte novohispana. El punto de partida es la necesidad de que los gobernantes novohispanos se destacaran a través del uso de tejidos ricos. Se analiza a continuación la decoración interior de las Casas Reales, Palacio Real o Palacio Virreinal, con las noticias y documentación existente de los siglos XVII y XVIII. Finalmente, se analiza brevemente el uso de textiles en las fiestas de jura reales y su significación en el contexto ceremonial.