1869 Pages
    by Routledge

    The Arab–Israeli conflict remains one of the longest-running disputes in modern world politics and the search for a lasting peace remains as elusive as ever. The series of wars and disputes starting in 1948 after the arrival of Zionist settlers in Palestine and the creation of the new state of Israel have primarily been about territory, but a number of other issues have exacerbated and prolonged the conflict. Externally, these include superpower rivalry and interventions in the region by Western industrial powers to secure access to the Middle East’s huge oil reserves. Internally, issues such as religious animosities, militarized polities, and the traumas of rapid modernization and development, have all contributed to regional instability.

    Attempts at resolving the conflict have included a number of agreements between Palestinians and Israelis, on the one hand, and between Israel and her neighbouring states (Egypt and Jordan), on the other. Although the Oslo Accords of 1993 between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization established a framework for the partial decolonization of territories occupied in 1967, many thorny issues remain unresolved.

    Understanding the evolution and unfolding of the Arab–Israeli conflict provides crucial insights into the nature of the local, national, and international politics of the region, and offers vital indications of possible future developments. Moreover, the world crisis following the events of 11 September 2001 underscores the growing need to comprehend and resolve this conflict.

    The study of the conflict has generated a huge body of literature, some of it factual and evidence-based, some more polemical and provocative. In all cases there is a wide and divergent range of views. An important tool in understanding the conflict and the emotions it generates is to become familiar with such different perspectives and interpretations, and this new four-volume collection from Routledge provides an overview of both the principal topics and the various approaches to the conflict.

    With a full index, together with a comprehensive introduction, newly written by the editor, which places the collected material in its historical and intellectual context, The Arab–Israeli Conflict is an essential work of reference. It is destined to be valued by scholars, students, and researchers of Middle East Studies, Politics, and International Relations as a vital research resource.

    Volume I: 1917–67

    Part 1: Precursor to Partition

    1. W. F. Abboushi, ‘The Road to Rebellion: Arab Palestine in the 1930s’, Journal of Palestine Studies, 6, 3, 1977, 23–46.

    2. J. M. N. Jeffries, ‘The Balfour Declaration’, in Ian S. Lustick (ed.), Arab–Israeli Relations: Historical Background and Origins of the Conflict, Vol. I (Garland, 1994), pp. 215–29.

    3. W. T. Mallisson Jr, ‘The Zionist–Israel Juridical Claims to Constitute "The Jewish People" Nationality Entity and to Confer Membership in it: Appraisal in Public International Law’, George Washington Law Review, 32, 5, 1964, 983–1075.

    4. Oded Kaplan and Jacob Metzer, ‘Jointly But Severally: Arab Jewish Dualism and Economic Growth in Mandatory Palestine’, The Journal of Economic History, 45, 2, 1985, 327–45.

    5. John Reudy, ‘Dynamics of Land Alienation’, in Ibrahim Abu-Lughod (ed.), The Transformation of Palestine, 2nd edn. (Northwestern University Press, 1987), pp. 119–39.

    6. Abraham Granott, ‘The Strategy of Land Acquisition’, in Walid Khalid (ed.), From Haven to Conquest: Readings in Zionism and the Palestine Problem until 1948 (Institute for Palestine Studies, 1971), pp. 389–98.

    7. Yehoshua Porath, ‘The Political Organization of the Palestinian Arabs Under the British Mandate’, in Moshe Ma’oz (ed.), Palestinian Arab Politics (Jerusalem Academic Press, 1975), pp. 1–20.

    8. Michael Adams, ‘What Went Wrong in Palestine?’, Journal of Palestine Studies, 18, 1, 1988, 71–82.

    Part 2: Conflicting Narratives on the Origins of the Conflict

    9. Benny Morris, ‘Response to Finkelstein and Masalha’, Journal of Palestine Studies, 21, 1, 1991, 98–114.

    10. Norman Finkelstein, ‘Rejoinder to Benny Morris’, Journal of Palestine Studies, 21, 2, 1995, 61–71.

    11. Shabtai Teveth, ‘The Palestine Arab Refugee Problem and its Origins’, Middle Eastern Studies, 26, 2, 1990, 214–19.

    12. Edward Said, ‘Spurious Scholarship and the Palestinian Question’, Race & Class, 29, 3, 1988, 23–39.

    13. Ilan Pappe, ‘Post-Zionist Critique on Israel and the Palestinians Part I: The Academic Debate’, Journal of Palestine Studies, 26, 2, 1997, 29–41.

    14. M. Golani, ‘The "Haifa Turning Point": The British Administration and the Civil War in Palestine, December 1947–May 1948’, Middle Eastern Studies, 37, 2, 2001, 93–130.

    Part 3: Transformation of Palestine

    15. J. Abu-Lughod, ‘The Demographic Transformation of Palestine’, in Ibrahim Abu-Lughod (ed.), The Transformation of Palestine, 2nd edn. (Northwestern University Press, 1987), pp. 139–63.

    16. Sabri Jiryis, ‘The Legal Structure for the Expropriation and Absorption of Arab Lands in Israel’, Journal of Palestine Studies, 2, 4, 1973, 82–104.

    17. Avi Shlaim, ‘The Rise and Fall of the All-Palestine Government in Gaza’, Journal of Palestine Studies, 20, 1, 1990, 37–53.

    18. Arnon Soffer, ‘Demography and the Shaping of Israel’s Borders’, Contemporary Jewry, 10, 2, 1989, 91–105.

    Part 4: Resistance

    19. Hisham Sharabi, ‘Palestine Guerrillas: Their Credibility and Effectiveness’, Supplementary Papers from the Center for Strategic and International Studies, Georgetown University Washington DC (Garland Publishing, 1970), pp. 19–53.

    20. Michael Hudson, ‘The Palestinian Arab Resistance Movement: Its Significance in Middle East Crisis’, Middle East Journal, 23, 3, 1969, 291–307.

    21. Michael B. Oren, ‘Escalation to Suez: The Egypt–Israel Border War, 1949–56’, Journal of Contemporary History, 24, 2, 1989, 347–73.

    Volume II: 1967–91

    Part 5: Impact of the Occupation

    22. Meir Shamgar, ‘The Observance of International Law in the Administered Territories’, Israel Yearbook on Human Rights, 1, 1971, 263–90.

    23. Yoram Peri, ‘From Political Nationalism to Ethno-Nationalism: The Case of Israel’, in Yehuda Lukacs and Abdalla M. Battah (eds.), The Arab–Israeli Conflict: Two Decades of Change (Westview Press, 1988), pp. 41–53.

    24. Ibrahim Dakkak, ‘Back To Square One: A Study in the Re-Emergence of the Palestinian Identity in the West Bank 1967-1980’, in Alexander Schölch (ed.), Palestinians Over the Green Line (Ithaca Press, 1983), pp. 64–101.

    25. Salim Tamari, ‘Revolt of the Petite Bourgeoisie: Urban Merchants and the Palestinian Uprising’, in Michael C. Hudson (ed.), The Palestinians: New Directions (Center for Contemporary Arab Studies, Georgetown University, 1990), pp. 24–43.26. George T. Abed, ‘The Economic Viability of a Palestinian State’, Journal of Palestine Studies, 19, 2, 1990, 3–28.

    27. Ian Lustick, ‘Israel and the West Bank after Elon Moreh: The Mechanics of De Facto Annexation’, Middle East Journal, 35, 4, 1981, 557–77.

    28. Sara Roy, ‘The Gaza-Strip: A Case of Economic De-Development’, Journal of Palestine Studies, 17, 1, 1987, 56–88.

    29. R. Shehadeh, ‘Occupier’s Law and the Uprising’, Journal of Palestine Studies, 17, 3, 1988, 24–37.

    Part 6: Transformation of Israel

    30. Efraim Inbar, ‘Israeli National Security, 1973–96’, Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 555, 1998, 62–81.

    31. Baruch Kimmerling, ‘Patterns of Militarism in Israel’, Archives Europeennes De Sociologie, 34, 2, 1993, 196–223.

    32. Sammy Smooha, ‘Minority Status in an Ethnic Democracy: The Status of the Arab Minority in Israel’, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 13, 3, 1990, 389–413.

    33. Ehud Sprinzak, ‘The Emergence of the Israeli Radical Right’, Comparative Politics, 21, 2, 1989, 171–92.

    34. Dan Avni-Segre, ‘Israel: A Society in Transition’, World Politics, 21, 3, 1969, 345–65.

    Part 7: Strategic and Regional Developments (1967–91)

    35. Michael Hudson, ‘The Palestinian Factor in Lebanese Civil War’, Middle East Journal, 32, 3, 1978, 261–78.

    36. Rashid Khalidi, ‘The Palestinian Dilemma: PLO Policy after Lebanon’, Journal of Palestine Studies, 15, 1, 1985, 88–103.

    37. Aaron David Miller, ‘The Arab–Israeli Conflict, 1967–1987: A Retrospective’, Middle East Journal, 41, 3, 1987, 349–60.

    38. Muhammad Muslih, ‘The Golan: Israel, Syria and Strategic Calculations’, Middle East Journal, 47, 4, 1993, 611–32.

    39. Itamar Rabinovich, ‘Israel, Syria, and Lebanon’, International Journal, 45, 3, 1990, 529–52.

    Volume III

    Part 8: Zionism

    40. Herbert Kelman, ‘Israel in Transition from Zionism to Post-Zionism’, Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 555, 1998, 46–61.

    41. Baruch Kimmerling, ‘Change and Continuity in Zionist Territorial Orientations and Politics’, Comparative Politics, 14, 2, 1982, 191–210.

    42. Ella Shohat, ‘Sephardim in Israel: Zionism from the Standpoint of Its Jewish Victims’, Social Text, 19/20, 1988, 1–35.

    Part 9: Arabism and Palestinian Nationalism

    43. Nur Masalha, ‘Faisal Pan-Arabism, 1921–33’, Middle Eastern Studies, 27, 4, 1991, 679–93.

    44. Rashid Khalidi, ‘Arab Nationalism: Historical Problems in the Literature’, American Historical Review, 96, 5, 1991, 1363–73.

    45. Helga Baumgarten, ‘The Three Faces/Phases of Palestinian Nationalism, 1948–2005’, Journal of Palestine Studies, 34, 4, 2005, 25–48.

    Part 10: State Building, Civil Society, and Gender

    46. Peter Gubser, ‘The Impact of NGOs on State and Non-State Relations in the Middle East’, Middle East Policy, 9, 1, 2002, 139–48.

    47. Yossi Shain and Gary Sussman, ‘From Occupation to State-building: Palestinian Political Society Meets Palestinian Civil Society’, Government Opposition, 33, 3, 1998, 275–306.

    48. Roberta Micallef, ‘Israeli and Palestinian Women's Peace Movements’, in Elizabeth Warnock Fernea and Mary Evelyn Hocking (eds.), The Struggle for Peace: Israelis and Palestinians (University of Texas Press, 1992), pp. 237–44.

    49. Penny Johnson and Eileen Kuttab, ‘Where Have All the Women (and Men) Gone? Reflections on Gender and the Second Palestinian Intifada’, Feminist Review, 69, 1, 2001, 21–43.

    Part 11: Refugees

    50. Rex Brynen, ‘Perspectives on Palestinian Repatriation’, in Michael Dumper (ed.), Palestinian Refugee Repatriation: Global Perspectives (Routledge, 2006), pp. 63–86.

    51. Elia Zureik, ‘Palestinian Refugees and Peace’, Journal of Palestine Studies, 24, 1, 1994, 5–17.

    52. Shlomo Gazit, ‘Solving the Refugee Problem: An Israeli Point of View’, The Palestinian Refugees: Old Problems—New Solutions (Sussex Academic Press, 2001), pp. 233–41.

    53. Eyal Benvenisti and Eyal Zamir, ‘Private Claims to Property Rights in the Future Israeli–Palestinian Settlement’, The American Journal of International Law, 89, 2, 1995, 295–340.

    Part 12: Jerusalem

    54. Terry Rempel, ‘The Significance of Israel’s Partial Annexation of East Jerusalem’, Middle East Journal, 51, 4, 1977, 520–34.

    55. Mick Dumper, ‘Israeli Settlement in the Old City of Jerusalem’, Journal of Palestine Studies, 21, 4, 1992, 32–53.

    56. Ian Lustick, ‘Reinventing Jerusalem’, Foreign Policy, 93, 1993, 41–59.

    57. Ruth Lapidoth, ‘Jerusalem: Some Legal Aspects’, in Marshall J. Breger and Ora Ahimeir (eds.), Jerusalem: A City and its Future (Syracuse University Press, 2002), pp. 61–90.

    Volume IV: 1991–2007

    Part 13: Strategic Dimensions

    58. Atif A. Kubursi, ‘Prospects for Regional Economic Integration After Oslo’, in Michael C. Hudson (ed.), Middle East Dilemma: The Politics and Economics of Arab Integration (Columbia University Press, 1999), pp. 299–319.

    59. Leonard Binder, ‘Strategic Reciprocity: The PLO and Israel’, in Avraham Sela and Moshe Ma’oz (eds.), The PLO and Israel: From Armed Conflict to Political Solution, 1964–1994 (St Martin’s Press, 1997), pp. 273–300.

    60. Keith Krause, ‘State-Making and Region-Building: The Interplay of Domestic and Regional Security in the Middle East’, Journal of Strategic Studies, 26, 3, 2003, 99–124.

    Part 14: Foreign Policies

    61. Robert O. Freedman, ‘Israeli–Russian Relations Since the Collapse of the Soviet Union’, Middle East Journal, 49, 2, 1995, 233–47.

    62. Roland Dannreuther, ‘The Middle East: Towards a Substantive European Role in the Peace Process?’, European Union Foreign and Security Policy: Towards a Neighbourhood Strategy (Routledge, 2004), pp. 151–69.

    63. Ali Dessouki and Karen Aboul Kheir, ‘The Politics of Vulnerability and Survival: The Foreign Policy of Jordan’, in Bahgat Korany and Ali E. Hillal Dessouki (eds.), Foreign Policies of Arab States: The Challenge of Change (Westview Press, 1991), pp. 216–35.

    64. Donald Neff, ‘Settlements in U.S. Policy’, Journal of Palestine Studies, 23, 3, 1994, 53–69.

    65. Rosemary Hollis, ‘The Israeli–Palestinian Road Block: Can Europeans Make a Difference?’, International Affairs, 80, 2, 2004, 191–201.

    66. Menachem Klein, ‘The Islamic Holy Places as a Political Bargaining Card (1993–1995)’, The Catholic University of America Law Review, 45, 3, 1996, 745–63.

    67. John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt, ‘The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy’, Middle East Policy, 13, 3, 2006, 29–87.

    Part 15: The Peace Process: Impact and Failure

    68. Camille Mansour, ‘The Palestinian–Israeli Peace Negotiations: An Overview and Assessment’, Journal of Palestine Studies, 22, 3, 1993, 5–31.

    69. Robert Malley and Hussein Agha, ‘Camp David: The Tragedy of Errors’, New York Review of Books, 48, 13, 2001.

    70. Jeremy Pressman, ‘Visions in Collision: What Happened at Camp David and Taba?’, International Security, 28, 2, 2003, 5–43.

    71. Ron Pundak, ‘From Oslo to Taba: What Went Wrong?’, in Robert L Rothstein, Moshe Ma’oz, and Khali¯l Shiqa¯qi¯, The Israeli–Palestinian Peace Process: Oslo and the Lessons of Failure: Perspectives, Predicaments and Prospects (Sussex Academic Press, 2002), pp. 88–113.

    72. Sara Roy, ‘The Crisis Within: The Struggle for Palestinian Society’, Critique: Critical Middle Eastern Studies, 17, 2002, 5–30.

    73. Graham Usher, ‘The Democratic Resistance: Hamas, Fatah, and the Palestinian Elections’, Journal of Palestine Studies, 35, 3, 2006, 20–36.

    74. Karma Nabulsi, ‘The State-Building Project: What Went Wrong?’, in Michael Keating, Anne Le More, and Robert Lowe (eds.), Aid, Diplomacy and Facts on the Ground: The Case of Palestine (Chatham House, 2005), pp. 117–28.

    75. Michael Lynk, ‘Down By Law: The High Court of Israel, International Law, and the Separation Wall’, Journal of Palestine Studies, 35, 1, 2005, 6–24.

    76. Tamar Hermann, ‘The Bi-National Idea in Israel/Palestine: Past and Present’, Nations and Nationalism, 11, 3, 2005, 381–401.

    77. Nadim N. Rouhana, ‘Truth and Reconciliation: The Right of Return in the Context of Past Injustice’, in Ann Mosely Lesch and Ian Lustick (eds.), Exile and Return: Predicaments of Palestinians and Jews (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2005), pp. 261–78.


    Michael Dumper is Associate Professor in Middle East Politics, University of Exeter