1st Edition

Consumer Behavior in Action Real-life Applications for Marketing Managers

By Geoffrey Paul Lantos Copyright 2011

    Consumer Behavior in Action is a down-to-earth, highly engaging, and thorough introduction to consumer behavior. It goes further than other consumer behavior textbooks to generate student interest and activity through extensive use of in-class and written applications exercises. Each chapter presents several exercises, in self-contained units, each with its own applications. Learning objectives, background, and context are provided in an easy-to-digest format with liberal use of lists and bullet points. Also included in each chapter are a key concepts list, review questions, and a solid summary to help initiate further student research.

    The author’s practical focus and clear, conversational writing style, combined with an active-learning approach, make this textbook the student-friendly choice for courses on consumer behavior.

    The creation and expression of identity (or of multiple identities) in immersive computer-mediated environments (CMEs) is rapidly transforming consumer behavior. The various social networking and gaming sites have millions of registered users worldwide, and major corporations are beginning to attempt to reach and entice the growing flood of consumers occupying these virtual worlds. Despite this huge potential, however, experts know very little about the best way to talk to consumers in these online environments. How will well-established research findings from the offline world transfer to CMEs? That's where "Virtual Social Identity and Consumer Behavior" comes in. Written by two of the leading experts in the field, it presents cutting-edge academic research on virtual social identity, explores consumer behavior in virtual worlds, and offers important implications for marketers interested in working in these environments. The book provides special insight into the largest and fastest growing group of users - kids and teens. There is no better source for understanding the impact of virtual social identities on consumers, consumer behavior, and electronic commerce.


    Geoffrey P. Lantos is a Professor of Business Administration at Stonehill College in Massachusetts, where he has taught various undergraduate courses in marketing since 1986, including Consumer Behavior, Advertising Management, Marketing Research, New Product Management, and Marketing Principles. He has published journal articles, professional manuals, conference papers, book chapters, case studies, book reviews, and instructional materials in the areas of CB, marketing education, marketing ethics, corporate social responsibility, and advertising. Dr. Lantos serves as Book Review Editor for the Journal of Consumer Marketing and the Journal of Product and Brand Management.