2nd Edition

The Practice of Psychotherapy Second Edition

    The Practice of Psychotherapy brings together Jung's essays on general questions of analytic therapy and dream analysis. It also contains his profoundly interesting parallel between the transference phenomena and alchemical processes.

    The transference is illustrated and interpreted by means of a set of symbolic pictures, and the bond between psychotherapist and patient is shown to be a function of the kinship libido. Far from being pathological in its effects, kinship libido has an essential role to play in the work of individuation and in establishing an organic society based on the psychic connection of its members with one another and with their own roots.

    Part One General Problems of Psychotherapy, I. Principles of Practical Psychotherapy Translated from "Grundsätzliches zur praktischen Psychotherapie," Zentralblatt für Psychotherapie (Zürich), VIII (1935) II. What Is Psychotherapy? Translated from "Was ist Psychotherapie?," Schweizerische Aerztezeitung für Standesfragen (Zürich), XVI (1935). Some Aspects of Modern Psychotherapy Originally published in English, Journal of State Medicine (London), X XXVIII (1930). iv. The Aims of Psychotherapy Translated from "Ziele der Psychotherapie," Seelenprobleme der Gegenwart (Zürich: Rascher, 1931). v. Problems of Modern Psychotherapy Translated from "Die Probleme der modernen Psychotherapie," Seelenprobleme der Gegenwart, vi. Psychotherapy and a Philosophy of Life Translated from "Psychotherapie und Weltanschauung," vii . Medicine and Psychotherapy, Translated from "Medizin und Psychotherapie," Bulletin der Schweizerischen Akademie der medizinischen Wissenschaften (Basel), I (1945). VIII Psychotherapy Today, Translated from "Die Psychotherapie in der Gegenwart/* Aufsätze zur Zeitgeschichte (Zürich: Rascher, 1946). ix. Fundamental Questions of Psychotherapy Translated from "Grundfragen der Psychotherapie," Dialectica (Neuchätel), V (1951). Part Two Specific Problems of Psychotherapy, 1. The Therapeutic Value of Abreaction, Originally published in English; this is a revised Version, from Contributions to Analytical Psychology (London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner; New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1928 ) . The Practical Use of Dream-Analysis Translated from "Die praktische Verwendbarkeit der Traumanalyse," Wirklichkeit der Seele (Zürich: Rascher, 1934 ) . m. The Psychology of the Transference 163 Translated from Die Psychologie der Übertragung (Zürich: Rascher, 1946).


    C.G. Jung, Sir Herbert Read, Michael Fordham, Gerhard Adler

    My aim is to bring about a psychic state in which my patient begins to experiment with his own nature - a state of fluidity, change and growth where nothing is externally fixed and hopelessly petrified. - C.G. Jung