1st Edition

Attachment, Evolution, and the Psychology of Religion

By Lee A. Kirkpatrick Copyright 2004

    In this provocative and engaging book, Lee Kirkpatrick establishes a broad, comprehensive framework for approaching the psychology of religion from an evolutionary perspective. Within this framework, attachment theory provides a powerful lens through which to reconceptualize diverse aspects of religious belief and behavior. Rejecting the notion that humans possess religion-specific instincts or adaptations, Kirkpatrick argues that religion instead emerges from numerous psychological mechanisms and systems that evolved for other functions. This integrative work will spark discussion, debate, and future research among anyone interested in the psychology of religion, attachment theory, and evolutionary psychology, as well as religious studies. It will also serve as a text in advanced undergraduate and graduate-level courses.

    From Lee Kirkpatrick, winner of the APA Division 36 William James Award for outstanding and sustained contributions to the psychology of religion

    1. Introduction
    An Ambitious Agenda
    Psychology of ...
    A New Direction
    Attachment Theory
    Evolutionary Psychology
    The Plan of This Book
    2. Introduction to Attachment Theory
    The Attachment System
    Other Related Systems
    The Phenomenology of Attachment
    Individual Differences in Attachment in Childhood
    Multiple Attachment Figures
    Internal Working Models and the Stability of Attachment Patterns
    Attachment in Adulthood
    Attachment and Adult Romantic Relationships
    Individual Differences in Adult Romantic Attachment
    Factorial and Dimensional Models
    The Formation and Development of Adult Love Bonds
    An Alternative Approach to Adult Attachment
    Attachment and Evolutionary Psychology
    Summary and Conclusions
    3. God as an Attachment Figure
    Religion as Relationship
    But Is It Really an Attachment Relationship?
    Seeking and Maintaining Proximity to God
    Proximity in Belief and Myth
    Facilitating Psychological Proximity
    Other Religious Behaviors
    God as a Haven of Safety
    Crisis and Distress
    Illness and Injury
    Death and Grieving
    God as a Secure Base
    Psychological Outcomes
    Responses to Separation and Loss
    Summary and Conclusions
    4. More on Religion as an Attachment Process: Some Extensions and Limitations
    Religion and Love
    What Kind of Love?: Romantic Attachment versus
    Attachment to God
    God as a Parental Figure
    Individual Differences in Images of God
    God as a Benevolent Caregiver
    God as Controlling and Demanding
    Children's Beliefs about God
    Beyond God: Extensions and Limitations
    To Generalize, or Not to Generalize?
    The Problem with Parsimony
    Other Forms of Attachment (or Not) in Religion
    Relationships with Other Supernatural Beings
    Relationships with Religious Leaders
    Relationships with Fellow Worshipers and Other Peers
    Relationships with Groups
    Nontheistic Religions
    Summary and Conclusions
    5. Individual Differences in Attachment and Religion: The Correspondence Hypothesis
    Mental Models and the Correspondence Hypothesis
    Correspondence in Childhood and Adolescence
    Correspondence in Adulthood
    Correspondence Across Cultures
    Internal Working Models of Self and Others
    Continuity from Childhood to Adulthood
    The Socialized-Correspondence Hypothesis
    The Two-Level Correspondence Hypothesis
    Socialization as an Alternative Explanation
    The Inadequacy of Socialization as Explanation
    The Epidemiology of Beliefs
    Individual Differences Revisited
    Summary and Conclusions
    6. God as a Substitute Attachment Figure: The Compensation Hypothesis
    Individual Differences and Religious Conversion
    Individual Differences in Childhood Attachment and Conversion
    Sudden Religious Conversion
    Other Evidence for a Compensation Model
    A Two-Process Model
    Individual Differences in Adult Attachment
    Contextual Factors in Religious Change
    Separation and Loss
    Relationship Dissolution
    Unavailability of Attachment Figures
    Perceived Inadequacy of Human Attachment Figures
    Cultural Factors
    Summary and Conclusions
    7. Attachment in Context: Introduction to Evolutionary Psychology
    Evolutionary Psychology as a Paradigm or Metatheory
    Adaptation and Natural Selection
    Selfish Genes and Inclusive Fitness
    Domain-Specificity and the Mental-Organs Model
    Nature versus Nurture
    Stone Age Minds in Modern Environments
    Individual Differences in Evolutionary Context
    Stable Environmental Differences
    Direct Genetic Effects
    Frequency-Dependent Adaptive Strategies
    Early Environmental Calibration
    An Example of Facultative Strategies: Human Mating
    Are Evolutionary Explanations Unfalsifiable?
    Some Illustrative Examples: Politics, Music, and Sports
    Summary and Conclusions
    8. Attachment Theory in Modern Evolutionary Perspective
    Childhood Attachment in Modern Evolutionary Perspective
    Parental Caregiving and Parent-Offspring Conflict
    Individual Differences in Childhood Attachment
    Attachment and Reproductive Strategies
    The Belsky, Steinberg, and Draper Model
    Individual Differences in Adult Attachment
    Love Revisited
    Love or Attachment?
    Love as a Commitment Device
    Implications for the Theory of Attachment and Religion
    Correspondence and the RS Hypothesis
    Compensation, Sudden Conversion, and the LM
    Summary and Conclusions
    9. Religion: Adaptation or Evolutionary By-product?
    Is There a Unique Religious Instinct?
    Problems with the Religion-as-Instinct View
    The Problem of Identifying the Adaptive Function
    Psychological vs. Reproductive Benefits
    Group Selection vs. Selfish Genes
    Costs vs. Benefits
    Begging Questions
    The Problem of Identifying the Design
    The Problem of Establishing Special Design
    Theoretical Conservatism and the Onus of Proof
    Religion as an Evolutionary By-product, Not an Adaptation
    Adaptations vs. Evolutionary By-products
    Religion as an Evolutionary By-product
    An Analogy: Games and Sports
    Summary and Conclusions
    10. Beyond Attachment: Religion and Other Evolved Psychological Mechanisms
    Power, Status, and Intrasexual Competition
    Supernatural Beings as Power Figures
    Human Religious Leaders as Power Figures
    Supernatural Beings and Religious Leaders as Kin
    Ingroup Members as Kin
    Reciprocal Altruism and Social Exchange
    Supernatural Beings as Social-Exchange Partners
    Mutual Helping and Social Support
    Morality and Ethics
    Coalitional Psychology
    In-Group Cooperation and Morality
    Out-Group Discrimination and Conflict
    Supernatural Beings as Coalitional Partners
    Summary and Conclusions
    11. The Cognitive Origins of Religious Belief
    Evolved Mechanisms for Thinking about the Natural World
    Naive Physics and Psychological Animism
    Naive Biology and Natural Kinds
    Naive Psychology and Theory of Mind
    The Psychology of Complex Thinking: How the Mind Works
    The Cognitive Building Blocks of Religious Belief
    Psychological Essentialism
    Why Religious Beliefs Succeed
    Evolved Psychological Mechanisms: Calibration and Bias
    Religious Beliefs: Combining the Intuitive and the Counterintuitive
    Beyond Religion: Other Forms of Thought and Belief
    Parapsychology and Other Supernatural Beliefs
    Commonsense Knowledge and Reasoning in Everyday Life
    Summary and Conclusions
    12. Beyond Genes: Learning, Rationality, and Culture
    Natural Selection, Genes, and Inclusive Fitness
    From Genes to Memes
    Individual Learning, Reinforcement, and the Pleasure Principle
    Complex Reasoning and Higher-Order Cognitive Processes
    Social Learning, Socialization, and Cultural Transmission
    Cooperation, Competition, and Manipulation
    Memes and Viruses of the Mind
    Science Revisited
    Summary and Conclusions
    13. Toward an Evolutionary Psychology of Religion
    A Précis in (More or Less) Reverse
    Evolutionary Psychology and Adaptation
    From Genes to Behavior
    Religion as an Evolutionary Byproduct
    The Psychological Origins of Religious Belief
    The Social Psychology of the Supernatural
    An Evolutionary Psychology of Religion for the Future
    A Theoretically Rich Psychology of ...
    A Paradigmatic, Interdisciplinary Science
    A Coherent Model of Universality vs. Individual Differences
    Beyond Description to Function
    Religious Nature Carved at its Joints
    Avoiding Major Pitfalls in the Psychology of Religion
    Summary and Conclusions


    Lee A. Kirkpatrick, PhD, is Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies in Psychology at the College of William and Mary in Virginia. He has published numerous research articles and book chapters on topics related to adult attachment, the psychology of religion, and evolutionary psychology.

    In this highly engaging, wide-ranging, and gracefully written book, Kirkpatrick moves from his own innovative work on attachment processes and religious phenomena to a much broader, multidimensional analysis of religion as an outcome of evolution. The book stands out from other writings on evolution and religion, which tend to have a narrow focus (on cognition or ritual or mystical experience, for example) and to see religion as a unitary adaptation. In contrast, Kirkpatrick argues persuasively that religion is best explained by a confluence of several different evolved mechanisms, each with its own primary, nonreligious function.--Phillip R. Shaver, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of California, Davis

    Kirkpatrick has provided a dazzling and insightful analysis of the psychology of religion. Groundbreaking and gripping from start to finish, the book takes readers on a tour of religious phenomena, from the origins of belief to the nature of religious leaders and their followers. The result is the most incisive and scientifically sound analysis of religion I have seen, using principles drawn from modern evolutionary psychology. It’s a landmark publication, and sure to form the center of lively debate for years to come.--David M. Buss, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of Texas at Austin

    In this brilliant work, Lee Kirkpatrick embeds the study of religion within an integrative evolutionary framework that draws extensively on attachment theory. In elaborating his comprehensive explanatory theory, Kirkpatrick boldly proposes a route for advancing the science of the psychology of religion. This book is essential reading for students and scholars of the psychology of religion and evolutionary psychology, particularly those interested in the psychological origins of religion.--Crystal L. Park, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of Connecticut

    This is a masterful example of scholarship aimed at integrating an attachment and evolutionary theoretical approach to the wide and far-reaching domain of the psychology of religion. Kirkpatrick is the world’s leading expert on attachment theory and religion, and in this book he has expanded the argument to encompass a broader perspective, one that places the psychology of religion squarely in the emerging field of evolutionary psychology and thus links it with the larger orbit of sciences. The writing is rich with research whose data argue in a compelling way that religious phenomena match the predictions of an attachment-evolutionary framework. Other approaches are acknowledged but are challenged with the question of why they work, if they do. Written with a high level of sophistication, the book is nonetheless extremely accessible. Kirkpatrick clearly loves his material. His logic is keen, his writing beautiful, his topic and message timeless.--Raymond F. Paloutzian, PhD, Department of Psychology, Westmont College