1st Edition

British Pamphlets on the American Revolution, 1763-1785, Part II, Volume 6

By Harry T Dickinson Copyright 2008

    From the end of the Seven Years War to the British acceptance of complete American Independence, British colonial policy was the subject of an intense print debate on both sides of the Atlantic. This work includes pamphlets that represent the multi-faceted debate on both sides of the political divide in Britain.

    Volume 6: 1778–1780, Th e Case Stated on Philosophical Ground, between Great Britain and her Colonies [1778], Th e Memorial of Common-Sense, upon the Present Crisis between Great-Britain and America (1778), The Conciliatory Bills Considered (1778), Proposals for a Plan towards a Reconciliation and Reunion with the Thirteen Provinces of America, and for a Union with the Other Colonies (1778), Letters on the American War (1778), Considerations on the Mode and Terms of a Treaty of Peace with America (1778)