1st Edition

Chambers Information for the People

Edited By Tashio Matsunaga
    1650 Pages
    by Routledge

    This is a reprint of one of the most successful Victorian encylopedias: the rare 5th edition published in 1874. It was translated into Japanese by the Ministry of Education of Meiji government in Japan and was considered as the most important source of Western information then in Japan.

    Astronomy. Geology. Meteorology. Physical Geography. Vegetable Physiology. Systematic Botany. Human Physiology. Zoology. Natural Philosophy- Matter, Motion, and Heat. Mechanics-Machinery.Hydrostatics-Hydrodynamics. Pneumatics. Light and Sound. Magnetism and Electricity. Chemistry. Chemistry Applied to the Arts. Fictile Manufactures. Textile Manufactures. Useful MineralsMetals-Metallurgy. The Steam-Engine Inland Conveyance. Maritime Conveyance. Architecture. Warming-Ventiliation-Lighting. Supply of Water-Drainage-Baths. Agriculture-Culture of Waste Land-Spade-Husbandry. The Kitchen-Garden. The Flower -Garden. The Fruit-Garden. Arboriculture. The Horse. Cattle-Dairy Husbandry. The Sheep-Goat-Alpaca.Pigs-Rabbits-Poultry-Cage-Birds. The Honey-Bee. The Dog-Field-Sports-Angling.  Fisheries.  Preservation of Health. Food-Beverages. Preservation of Food-Cookery. Medicine-Surgery. Clothing-Costume. Anthropology. Language. Constitution of Society-Government. History of  Nature of Laws. History  of Ancient Nations. History of Greece. History of Rome. History of the Middle Ages. History of the Great Britain and Ireland. Constitution and Resources of the British Empire. Military and Naval Organization. Europe. England and Wales. Scotland.Ireland. Asia. Africa-Oceania. North America. South America-West India Islands. The Human Mind. Logic. Natural Theology-Ethics. History of the Bible. Christian Churches. Mohammedanism-Hinduism-Buddhism. Scandinavian Mythology, and C-Minor Superstitions. Key to the Calender. Political Economy. Commerce-Money-Banks.  Population-Poor Laws-Life Assurance. Social Economics of the Industrial Orders. Social Statistics. Practical Morality. Education. English Grammar. Arithmetic-Algebra. Geometry. Drawing-Painting-Sculpture. Gymnastics-Out of the Door Recreations. Indoor Amusements. Music. Archaeology. Rhetoric and Belles-Lettres. Printing-Lithography. Engraving-Photography. Household Hints.


    Reprint supervised by Toshio Matsunaga, Professor, St Andrew’s University, Osaka, Japan