288 Pages
    by Routledge

    288 Pages
    by Routledge

    Originally published in 1985, and authored by an epidemiologists, a medical immunologist, a chemist and a clinical psychologist, this books shows that unravelling the links between diet and disease is a very complex task, and while the evidence is strong in many cases, in others if is of doubtful validity. Many of the diseases prevalent in developed countries are discussed here: cancer, arterial heart disease, food allergies and intolerances as well as the impact of diet on mental health.

    1. Diseases Known to be Caused by the Diet D. L. J. Freed and S. Seely 2. Disease Suspected to be Connected with the Diet S. Seely 3. Possible Sources of Food Toxicants: Plants, Some Foods of Animal Origin, Microorganisms and Food Additives G. A. Silverstone 4. Diet-Related Diseases of the Arteries S. Seely 5. Cancers of the Digestive Tract S. Seely 6. Cancers of the Breast and Prostate D. L. J. Freed 8. Diet and Mental Illness V. Rippere 9. Is Old Age a Diet-Related Disease? S. Seely


    Stephen Seely, David L. J. Freed, Gerald A. Silverstone, Vicky Rippere