230 Pages
    by Routledge

    230 Pages
    by Routledge

    Originally published in 1949, this book examines the problems of morals in the light of science and philosophy and is addressed to those who do not accept revelation as the sanction for morality. The book discusses the individual, and in particular the origin and nature of conscience as well as society and communal codes of behaviour.

    1. Introductory 2. Revealed Moral Codes 3. The Conventional View of Conscience 4. The Origin of Conscience 5. The Nature of Conscience 6. The Moral Code of the Individual 7. Communal Codes (1) 8. Communal Codes (2). 9. The Philosophers (1) Confucius and the Greeks 10. The Philosophers (2) The Value of Pleasure 11. Methods and Criteria of a Scientific System of Ethics 12. The Good Man 13. The Good Society (1) 14. The Good Society (2) 15. Sexual Morality 16. Conclusion


    Amber Blanco White