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Foundations and Innovations in Neurobiology

About the Series

Neurobiology remains one of the most intriguing areas of research, and scientists and clinicians from an array of backgrounds and subspecialties strive to understand everything from the intricate molecular pathways governing activity of a single cell to the complex connections that underlie aspects of human behavior.

As new discoveries continually shape our understanding of how the nervous system forms and functions, neuroscientists depend on reliable resources to summarize the recent progress. The purpose of this reference-oriented series is to capture some of the most important advances in neurobiology by showcasing groundbreaking discoveries, current theories, and future directions. Each volume focuses on a core area of neurobiology and features contributions from experts in the subfield discussed. Whether the book is devoted to a cellular function, brain region, clinical challenge, or new methodology, each volume provides the reader with a strong foundation and deeper appreciation for the current state of the field.

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Options are available to editors, authors and contributors to the series. See for more information and frequently asked questions with respect to these options or contact Chuck Crumly, Senior Acquisitions Editor, at [email protected] for more details.

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