1st Edition

Help Your Group Thrive A Workbook and Planning Guide

By Ann Steiner, Ph.D. Copyright 2018

    This easy-to-use manual is recommended for leaders of all types of groups - discussion groups, peer support, organizations, and workplace teams. You'll find discussion of the different types of groups, leadership styles and roles. Worksheets help you figure out your preferred leadership style, along with facilitation tools, sample group agreements, online netiquette information, and numerous modifiable written forms for starting and maintaining effective groups. Practical advice and worksheets help you design your group, select potential members, and understand common group challenges. These valuable tools will take you from defining your group's mission to helping your group thrive.

    1. The World of Groups  2. Interest Groups  3. Self-Help Groups  4. Support Groups, Writer's Groups, Group Culture, and Netiquette  5. How to Plan a Group: The Nuts and Bolts  6. Screening, Selection, Preparation, and Planning  7. Sample Screening Forms  8. Group/Life History Questionnaire  9. Group Guidelines/Group Agreements  10. Sample Online Group Agreements  11. Marketing Your group  12. Challenges  13. Saying Goodbye Matters  14.  Closing


    Ann Steiner Ph.D.