1st Edition

History Russian Philosophy V1

By V. Zenkovsy Copyright 1953

    This Volume I of a History of Russian Philosophy, originally published in 1953, based on the authors' lectures to the Theological Institute in Paris. They also explore Russian philosophic thought and how they relate to the theoretical constructions of Russian life.

    Author’s Preface to the Russian Edition; Author’s Preface to the English Edition; Translator’s Note; Introduction; Part I On the Threshold of Philosophy; Chapter 1 Up to the Time of Peter the Great; Chapter 2 The Eighteenth Century. The Crisis in the Ecclesiastical Consciousness; Chapter 3 The Beginning of Secular Culture in Russia; Part II The Nineteenth Century; Chapter 4 Philosophy and Its Fate in the Higher Schools. Early Nineteenth-Century Mysticism; Chapter 5 ‘The Young Men of the Archives’, D. V. Venevitinov, Prince V. F. Odoyevski, P. YA. Ghaadayev; Chapter 6 The Return to the Ecclesiastical World-View. GOGOL. The Beginning of Slavophilism’, A. S. Khomyakov; Chapter 7 I. V. Kireyevski, Yu. F. Samarin, K. S. Aksakov; Chapter 8 The Hegelian Circles, N. V. Stankevich, M. A. Bakunin, V. G. Belinski; Chapter 9 A. I. Herzen (1812–70); Chapter 10 The Philosophic Movement in the Russian Theological Schools during the First Half of the Nineteenth Century; Chapter 11 The Crisis in Russian Life. The Period of Alexander II; Chapter 12 ‘Semi-Positivism’ in Nineteenth-Century Russian Philosophy, K. D. Kavelin, P. L. Lavrov, N. K. Mikhailovski, N. I. Kareyev; Chapter 13 The Overcoming of the Secular Orientation on a Foundation of Naturalism and Positivism, N. I. Pirogov, L. N. Tolstoy; Chapter 14 The ‘Pochvenniki’, Apollon Grigoryev, N. N. Strakhov, F. M. Dostoyevsky; Chapter 15 K. N. Leontyev. V. V. Rozanov;


    V. V. Zenkovsky