1st Edition

Homework Success for Children with ADHD A Family-School Intervention Program

    For children with ADHD in grades 1-6, problems with homework have been shown to contribute to academic skills deficits, underachievement, and significant levels of parent-child conflict. This manual presents the first empirically supported homework intervention approach specifically developed for families coping with ADHD. Grounded in a solid theoretical and empirical rationale, the book provides detailed instructions for setting up the program, recruiting and selecting participants, and conducting each of the seven sessions. Practitioners learn how to implement specialized instructional and behavioral interventions to facilitate collaborative home-school relationships, foster effective study skills and work habits, and enhance family functioning and children's self-esteem. Special features include detailed case examples; checklists for monitoring the integrity of interventions; recruiting instruments and outcome measures; and helpful parent handouts. Ideal for use with groups of parents and children, or with one family at a time, this manual is an invaluable resource for school psychologists and counselors, clinical child psychologists and other mental health practitioners, and special education professionals.

    Foreword by Susan M. Sheridan, PhD


    Chapter 1Introduction to Homework Success
    Chapter 2Background and Justification
    Chapter 3Recruiting and Screening Participants
    Chapter 4Assessing Intervention Integrity and Evaluating Outcomes
    with Sheeba Daniel
    Chapter 5Setting Up the Program: Practical Considerations
    Chapter 6Initiating the Program
    Chapter 7Group Session 1: Introducting Homework Success
    Chapter 8Group Session 2: Establishing Homework Ritual and Giving Instructions
    Chapter 9Group Session 3: Providing Positive Reinforcement
    Chapter 10Group Session 4: Managing Time and Setting Goals
    Chapter 11Group Session 5: Using Punishment Successfully
    Chapter 12Group Session 6: Integrating Skills and Anticipating Future Problems
    Chapter 13Group Session 7: Providing Follow-Up Support
    Chapter 14Including Children in Homework Success
    with Stephen S. Leff, Tracy E. Costigan, Suzanne G. Goldstein, and Sheeba Daniel
    Chapter 15Assessing Outcomes: Case Illustrations
    with Sheeba Daniel
    Chapter 16Conclusions

    Appendix ARecruiting Handout and Letters
    Appendix BRecruiting Instruments and Outcome Measures
    Appendix CIntegrity Checklists for Parent Group
    Appendix DParent Handouts
    Appendix EMaterials for Child Group



    Thomas J. Power, PhD, Center for Management of ADHD, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.

    "Authoritative and thorough. This book is both empirically supported and clinically sensitive. It provides needed rigor and integration to help meet the clear need for consolidated efforts between home and school for youth with ADHD." --Stephen P. Hinshaw, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of California, Berkeley

    "This book provides a practical road map for anyone wishing to implement a successful homework program for children and their families. It is designed for students with ADHD, but its applications are not limited to this group alone. The ideas and procedures could be used with just about any student having homework problems. The book is a treasure trove of practical ideas, covering everything from implementing positive motivational strategies, to assessing problems, to troubleshooting, follow-up, and family support. Anyone working with students who are having academic difficulties should have this valuable book." --William R. Jenson, PhD, Professor and Chair, Department of Educational Psychology, University of Utah

    "This book presents an innovative program that is ideal for implementation when homework has become a frustrating battle that nobody wins. The assessment measures, session scripts, treatment integrity checklists, and parent handouts provided will enable practitioners to quickly get the Homework Success program up and running in their schools or clinics. Clear and informative, the book does an excellent job of demonstrating how to incorporate a behaviorally based approach within a collaborative family-school framework." --Leslie Rescorla, PhD, Department of Psychology, Bryn Mawr College