1st Edition

Hyperconcentrated Flow

By Zhaohui Wan, Zhaoyin Wang Copyright 1994

    Considers hyperconcentrated flow, a phenomenon peculiar to the Yellow River Basin. The feasibility of using the potential for sediment carrying by hyperconcentrated flow can also be applied to topics such as hypertransport, debris flow and sediment releases from reservoirs.

    PREFACE -- 1 HYPERCONCENTRATED FLOW IN NATURE AND IN PRACTICAL APPLICATION -- 1.1 Hyperconcentrated flow in the main stem and tributaries of the Yellow River -- 1.2 Hyperconcentrated flow in reservoirs -- 1.3 Hyperconcentrated density current in rivers -- 1.4 Hyperconcentrated turbidity current -- 1.5 Hyperconcentrated flow in canals (Wan & Xu, 1984) -- 1.6 Debris flow -- 1.7 Hydrotransport and densecoal hydrotransport -- 1.8 Summary conclusion -- References -- 2 BASIC PATTERNS OF MOTION OF HYPERCONCENTRATED FLOW -- 2.1 Different forms of grain movement -- 2.2 Patterns of motion of hyperconcentrated flow -- References -- 3 THE ORIGIN AND FORMATION OF HYPERCONCENTRATED FLOW IN THE Y ELLOW RIVER BASIN -- 3.1 The geomorphic, geological, and hydrological features of the loess plateau region of the Yellow River basin -- 3.2 The distribution of the modulus of sediment yield in the loess plateau -- 3.3 The variation of loess size and maximum concentration -- 3.4 Limiting concentration of hyperconcentrated flow at different localities in the basin -- 3.5 Discharge-sediment transport capacity relationship for gullies of different orders -- 3.6 Size composition features of the suspended sediment -- References -- 4 RHEOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF HYPERCONCENTRATED FLOW -- 4.1 Rheogram -- 4.2 Rheological models ofhyperconcentrated flow -- 4.3 Determination of rheological parameters -- 4.4 The influence of turbulence on Bingham yield stress -- References -- 5 FALL VELOCITY OF SEDIMENT PARTICLES IN HYPERCONCENTRATED FLOW -- 5.1 Factors causing reduction of fall velocity -- 5.2 Buoyancy force of a body in solid-liquid mixture -- 5.3 Group fall velocity of uniform cohesionless sediment particles -- 5 .4 Gross fall velocity of non-uniform cohesionless particles -- 5.5 Settling of sediment containing clay particles -- 5.6 Settling of discrete floes and discrete particles -- 5.7 The settling of discrete particles in flocculent suspension -- 5.8 The settling of the flocculent structure as an


    Institute of Water Conservancy and Hydroelectric Power Research, Beijing, People's Republic of China. Institute of Water Conservancy and Hydroelectric Power Research, Beijing, People's Republic of China.