174 Pages
    by Routledge

    174 Pages
    by Routledge

    Throughout this book, the authors emphasize that primary science is at its best as a practical, hands-on experience for children. When ICT is used in an integral way, it can enable practical work to be done at a more sophisticated level, helping children to make sense of their findings. The book includes several case studies from primary classrooms and each chapter includes practical suggestions for teachers.

    The wide-ranging topics covered include:

    • databases and spreadsheets
    • data logging
    • control technology
    • ICT, drama and science
    • school visits
    • planning for ICT and science
    • choosing and using software.

    ICT and Primary Science is an accessible and jargon-free resource for teachers and student teachers of primary science.

    1. Introduction 2. Data Handling 3. Use of Multimedia 4. Using the Internet 5. Control Technology 6. Data Logging 7. Modelling and Stimulation Software 8. Using Presentational Software to Support Science Investigations 9. Conclusions


    John Williams has recently retired from full-time teaching at Anglia Polytechnic University. He remains involved with primary education,lecturing,supervising student teachers in schools and writing.

    'An easy to read and well polished guide to using ICT in primary education for the technophobic and technosceptical teacher...This book is a great investment for all slightly nervous primary teachers who do not relish the idea of using the 'computer in the corner' and also those who would use computers in a limited way but are ready to take their next step towards seeing just how far ICT can take lessons.' - Education Today