1st Edition

Individuos, Grupos y Organizaciones Bajo La Superficie Una Introduccion

    This volume is an introductory text to the individual and organizational dynamics by an author with extensive experience in the field. It examines the unconscious processes of human behavior that affect all organizations and institutions. It is aimed at those who are currently employed as managers or consultants, management students, and others wit

    ACERCA DEL AUTOR, PREFACIO, Las personas, Introducción: nunca solo un individuo-sino un individuo como bloque de construcción primario de toda actividad humana, Clasificación y conceptualización de la realidad, Límites, Conflicto, Actitudes y valores, Emociones, Represión, Mecanismos de defensa, Escisión, proyección e introyección, Desplazamiento y búsqueda de chivos expiatorios, Creatividad, Hacia las relaciones, Las relaciones, Introducción, Política, Límites-"yo" y "no yo", Las políticas de identidad, Poder y autoridad, Relaciones de realidad y fantasía, Confianza, Hacia los grupos, Los grupos, El grupo como un todo, Cultura, Los sistemas sociales como defensa contra la ansiedad, Comportamiento de supuesto básico, Sistemas, EPÍLOGO, BIBLIOGRAFÍA RECOMENDADA, ORGANIZACIONES QUE PROPORCIONAN APRENDIZAJE SOBRE LAS RELACIONES GRUPALES (EN ORDEN ALFABÉTICO POR PAÍSES), ACERCA DE OPUS, ACERCA DE ISPSO


    Dr. Lionel Stapley, Master of Science, is the director of OPUS (Organization for the promotion of Understanding Society) and organizational consultant. He has worked as an organizational member of several international conferences on group relations and has as clients of his consultancy to many organizations of the public and private sectors. He has numerous publications and is The author of The Personality of the Organisation: A Psychodynamic explanation of Culture and Change (Free Association, 1996) and of it's an emotional Game: Learning About Leadership from the Experience of football (2002); He is co-editor, along with Larry Gould and Mark Stein, of The Systems Psychodynamics of Organizations (2001) and Applied Experiential Learning: The Group relations Training Approach (2004). He is chairman of the Editorial Management Committee of the International Journal of OPUS Organisational & Social Dynamics; Member of the chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (FCIPD), member of the Chartered Institute of Management (FCIM); and member of the International Organization for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations (ISPS).