1st Edition

Longitudinal Studies of Creativity A Special Issue of creativity Research Journal

Edited By Mark A. Runco Copyright 2000


    Volume 12, Number 2, 1999
    Contents: R.M. Milgram, E. Hong,
    Creative Out-of-School Activities in Intellectually Gifted Adolescents as Predictors of Their Life Accomplishment as Young Adults: A Longitudinal Study. R. Helson, A Longitudinal Study of Creative Personality in Women. J.A. Plucker, Is the Proof Really in the Pudding? Reanalyses of Torrance's Longitudinal Data. T. Suddendorf, C.M. Fletcher-Flinn, Children's Divergent Thinking Improves When They Understand False Beliefs. S.W. Russ, A.L. Robins, B.A. Christiano, Pretend Play: Longitudinal Prediction of Creativity and Affect in Fantasy of Children. J.A. Plucker, M.E. Gorman, Invention in the Mind of the Adolescent: Effects of a Summer Course One Year Later. R. Subotnik, C. Steiner, B. Chakraborty, Procrastination Revisited: The Constructive Use of Delayed Response. M.A. Runco, A Longitudinal Study of Exceptional Giftedness and Creativity.


    Mark A. Runco