1st Edition

Mourning Child Grief Support Group Curriculum Pre-School Edition: Denny the Duck Stories

    This volume encourages and enables children who might have limited language to work through their feelings through play.

    Grief is a Family Process. A Note to Group Facilitators. Sample Telephone Interview. Mourning Child Pre-School Curriculum: Week 1. Mourning Child Pre-School Curriculum: Week2. Mourning Child Pre-School Curriculum: Week 3. Mourning Child Pre-School Curriculum: Week 4. Mourning Child Pre-School Curriculum: Week 5. Mourning Child Pre-School Curriculum: Week 6. Mourning Child Pre-School Curriculum: Week 7. Mourning Child Pre-School Curriculum: Week 8. Mourning Child Pre-School Curriculum: Week 9. Mourning Child Pre-School Curriculum: Week 10. Appendix 1: A Description of Materials. Appendix 2: Samples of Materials to be Used. Appendix 3: Sample Notes to be Sent Home to Caregivers. Appendix 4: Special Activities for Special Days and Sample. Denny the Duck Stories.


    Linda Lehmann, Shane R. Jimerson, Ann Gaasch

    "This set of books is definitely worth purchasing for the therapist or counselor who deals with or is affected by children who are coping with the issues of death. Even though we live in an era which heralds amazing medical advances death continues to be a part of life so therefore grief counseling, especially in the lives of children and adolescents, needs to be an integral part of our counseling and therapy." -- American Journal of Pastoral Counseling