1st Edition

Off the Hook Coping with Addiction

By Helen Bethune Copyright 1985

    First published in 1985, Off the Hook describes all the signs and symptoms of drug addiction, alcoholism or compulsive gambling in teenagers, but more importantly suggests constructive ways parents can help. Teenage disorder, and especially addiction, can cause serious family damage. Fear, guilt and shame can paralyse effective action and even make matters worse. Helen Bethune, drawing on research among recovered addicts, troubled teenagers and suffering families, throws new light on this problem. There is hope, and there are positive steps which parents can take to help their children towards recovery. This book is highly informative and essential reading not only for the afflicted but for all parents fearful of the prevalence of drugs among youngsters today, and for teachers and social workers at every level.

    1. Troubled Teenagers 2. Getting to Know the Score 3. The Need to Change 4. Where the Help is Illustrations


    Helen Bethune