1st Edition

Primitive Culture in Italy

By H. Rose Copyright 1926

    First published in 1926, Primitive Culture in Italy intends to determine to what extent there survived, in the ancient civilization with which it deals, any characteristic features of savage life and thought. The primitive man provides an ideal beginning to study the long upward progress of humanity. This book is not for the specialist, but for the general reader who wishes to know something of the beginnings of a great and notable civilization, the effects of which are still to be seen in our modern culture.

    1. Introductory 2. Race, Religion and Culture 3. The Gods 4. Worship and Magic 5. Worship and Magic (continued) 6. Tabus, Priests, and Kings 7. Their Exists and Their Entrances 8. Family and Clan 9. The Law: Crimes and Torts 10. The Law: Property; Public Opinion; Status, etc. 11. Some Negative Considerations Bibliography Index


    H. J. Rose