276 Pages
    by CRC Press

    276 Pages
    by CRC Press

    Across the spectrum of psychopathology in later life, psychotic symptomatology has been the most neglected, and although literature in this area is increasing, this is the first book to address the need for an overarching framework to examine and understand late-life psychotic phenomena. Exploring the practical and ethical issues that arise when managing psychotic elderly patients in the community, as well as the sequelae of stigmatisation and carer stress,
    this text

  • brings together the latest research findings on schizophrenia as it presents in later life
  • covers the frequent comorbidity of psychotic symptoms with cognitive impairment, mood disturbance and physical illness
  • highlights the diversity of late-life psychotic symptomatology, discussing both aetiological considerations and management strategies
  • Foreword. Historical Background. Defining Psychotic Disorders in an Ageing Population. LATE-ONSET SCHIZOPHRENIA. Epidemiology of Late Onset Schizophrenia. The Neurobiology of Late Onset Schizophrenia, including neuroimaging, molecular genetics). The Neuropsychology of Late Onset Schizophrenia. MANAGEMENT OF EARLY AND LATE ONSET SCHIZOPHRENIA. Pharmacological Treatment of Early and Late Onset Schizophrenia (including pharmacokinetics). Psychosocial Treatment and Rehabilitation of Elderly with Early or Late Onset Schizophrenia. Community Based Long Term Care for the Elderly with Early or Late Onset Schizophrenia: A Multi-Disciplinary System of Care. Residential Care for the Elderly with Early or Late Onset Schizophrenia. De-stigmatization of the Elderly with Early or Late Onset Schizophrenia. OTHER PSYCHOTIC DISORDERS IN THE ELDERLY. Psychotic Symptoms in Delirium. Psychosis in Affective Disorders - Depression. Psychosis in Affective Disorders - Bipolar Disorder. Psychotic Symptoms in Dementia. Psychotic Symptoms and Severe Stress/Distress. Psychotic Disorders with Alcohol and Substance Abuse in the Elderly. Psychosis in the Elderly - Comorbidity and Disabilities. Iatrogenic Psychotic Disorders. Conclusion - Direction for Future Research and Implication for Practice.


    Anne M. Hassett, Department of Psychiatry, School of Behavioural Medicine, University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

    David Ames, BA, MD, FRCPsych, FRANZCP, is Associate Professor of Psychiatry of Old Age at the Academic Unit for the Psychiatry of Old Ag at the North West Hospital Psychogeriatric Service, University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

    Edmond Chiu, MBBS, DPM, FRANZCP, AM, is Associate Professor in Psychiatry of Old Age, University of Melbourne, and Director, Aged Psychiatry, Education and Research, St. George's Health Service, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.