160 Pages
    by RIBA Publishing

    To ensure chartered architects are reaching a higher standard of knowledge in health and safety and the life safety of building users, the RIBA will be introducing an online test based on a comprehensive curriculum for all members to demonstrate their competence.

    This guide is designed to improve the safety of practitioners on site and their understanding and application of health and safety processes to create buildings that are safe to build, operate and use. It will help prepare architects for the forthcoming RIBA health and safety test, providing practitioners with the guidance they require regarding site safety, both before and during construction, significant hazards and design risk management to discharge their professional services and legal duties competently and safely.

    1. Preparing to Visit Site  2. Undertaking Site Visits  3. Site Hazards  4. Design Risk Management  5. Statute, Guidance and Codes of Conduct  6. Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015  7. Principles of Fire Safety Design


    Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) is a global professional membership body driving excellence in architecture. It serves members and society to deliver better buildings and places, stronger communities and a sustainable environment.