1st Edition

Routledge Library Editions: Health, Disease & Society

    6966 Pages
    by Routledge

    Originally published between 1968 and 1989, the volumes in this set:

    1. Present a coherent body of information on the inter-relation between nutrition, health and disease in its social context.
    2. Examine various aspects of disease ecology relating socio-geographical contrasts to a dichotomy between infectious and non-infectious diseases.
    3. Investigate certain large-scale demographic phenomena in India – among others the experience of bubonic plague, influenza, cholera and famine.
    4. Discuss how social and psychological factors influence the treatment process.
    5. Explain why so many people suffer behavioural changes in later life; how this affects those around them and the challenges of providing health services for ageing populations.
    6. Provide historical perspective on contemporary difficulties and invite debate about the future development of health services.
    7. Offer international comparisons, particularly between the UK and US health care systems.
    8. Explore how the NHS confronts perennial stresses and problems, in particular the allocation of scarce resources.
    9. Investigate policy and legislation in the area of the provision of medicines.
    10. Chart the dramatic changes in the US mental health system during the 20th Century.

    1. Edited by Tom Arie Health Care of the Elderly

    2. Edited by Keith Barnard and Kenneth Lee Conflicts in the National Health Service

    3. Bernard Benjamin Health and Vital Statistics.

    4. Gwyn Bevan Health Care

    5. Edited by Richard H. Blum Pharmaceuticals and Health Policy

    6. Edited by Phil Brown Mental Health Care and Social Policy

    7. Phil Brown The Transfer of Care

    8. Lindy Burton The Family Life of Sick Children

    9. Lindy Burton Care of the Child Facing Death

    10. Edited by George Campbell New Directions in Health Education

    11. E. J Clegg and J. P Garlick Disease and Urbanization.

    12. Edited by T. Dyson India's Historical Demography

    13. Ray Fitzpatrick, John Hinton, Stanton Newman, Graham Scambler, James Thompson The Experience of Illness

    14. Barbara Gray and Bernard Isaacs Care of the Elderly Mentally Infirm

    15. Edited by Bernard Isaacs and Helen Evers Innovations in the Care of the Elderly

    16. Edited by R. J. Jarrett Nutrition and Disease

    17. Kelvyn Jones and Graham Moon Health, Disease and Society

    18. Edited by Sol Levine and Abraham Lilienfeld Epidemiology and Health Policy

    19. Roy MacLeod and Milton Lewis Disease, Medicine and Empire

    20. R. J. Morris Cholera 1832

    21. Lawrie Reznek The Nature of Disease

    22. Edited by Graham Scambler Sociological Theory and Medical Sociology

    23. Stephen Seely, David L J Freed, Gerald A Silverstone & Vicky Rippere Diet-related Diseases

    24. Richard G. Wilkinson Class and Health

    25. Edited by John B. McKinlay Issues in the Political Economy of Health Care


    Various Authors