1st Edition

Routledge Library Editions: Revolution in Vietnam

    1734 Pages
    by Routledge

    This 7-volume set of previously out-of-print titles examines both the war for liberation in Vietnam and its political and economic aftermath. The economic reforms that began to transform Vietnam from a planned economy to a partially market one are focused on in particular, as are the early days of revolutionary conflict.

    1. American Leadership in World Affairs: Vietnam and the Breakdown of Consensus Ole R. Holsti and James N. Rosenau  2. French and Japanese Economic Relations with Vietnam Since 1975 Henrich Dahm  3. The Limits of National Liberation Adam Fforde and Suzanne H. Paine  4. North Vietnam: A Documentary John Gerassi  5. Vietnam – The Incomplete Transformation Peter Wolff  6. War and Aftermath in Vietnam T. Louise Brown  7. War By Other Means: National Liberation and Revolution in Viet-Nam, 1954–60 Carlyle A. Thayer

