236 Pages
    by Routledge

    236 Pages
    by Routledge

    Slavery, first published in 1958, examines four main types of modern slavery: chattel slavery; the sale of women into marriage; the sale of children into work and prostitution; serfdom. Mr Greenidge, a Director of the Anti-Slavery Society, marshals an astonishing array of findings into modern slavery, and outlines the history of the anti-slavery movement.

    Part 1. The Facts  1. Slavery, its Genesis and Definition  2. The Treatment of Slaves  3. Chattel Slavery Today  4. Slaving Trading Today  5. The Attitude of Islam  6. Debt Bondage  7. Serfdom or Peonage  8. The Sale of Women into Marriage  9. The Sham Adoption of Children  Part 2. The Fight  10. Slave Charities  11. The Anti-Slavery Movement: Slave Trading  12. The Anti-Slavery Movement: Slavery Itself  13. The Anti-Slavery Society  14. International Action Before the League of Nations  15. The League of Nations and After  16. Action by the United Nations  17. What Remains to be Done  Appendices  1. The Brussels Act of 1890  2. The Slavery Convention of 1926  3. The Supplementary Convention of 1956


    C.W.W. Greenidge