1st Edition

The Anger Management Workbook Use the STOP Method to Replace Destructive Responses with Constructive Behavior

By W. Robert Nay Copyright 2014

    Out-of-control anger can destroy relationships, reputations, careers--even your health. But Dr. Robert Nay knows from extensive clinical experience that nearly anyone can learn to manage anger constructively--with enough practice. That's where this skillfully crafted workbook comes in. Using step-by-step learning exercises based on state-of-the-art knowledge about how the brain works, you can break old habits and replace them with more productive new ones. Dr. Nay's breakthrough STOP Method (Stop, Think, Objectify, and Plan) helps you:

    *Understand how anger flares up in your brain and body--and how you can lower the heat.
    *Identify the fleeting yet powerful thoughts that fuel destructive anger.
    *Replace aggression with appropriate assertiveness.
    *Effectively communicate your thoughts, feelings, and needs.
    *Defuse conflicts and find win-win solutions.
    *See how the strategies are applied in a wealth of realistic scenarios.

    While working through the book's simple checklists and fill-in-the-blank forms (you can download and print additional copies as needed), you'll be building real skills to apply in everyday life. When anger gets in the way of your personal goals, this book provides a blueprint for change.

    See also Dr. Nay's Taking Charge of Anger, Second Edition, which helps you understand and manage destructive anger in all its forms, and Overcoming Anger in Your Relationship: How to Break the Cycle of Arguments, Put-Downs, and Stony Silences.

    I. Understanding Anger
    1. The Biological and Physiological Roots of Anger
    2. Cognition: The Role of Thoughts in Instigating and Sustaining Anger
    3. Expressing Anger: The Face of Anger You See in the Mirror
    4. How Is Anger a Problem for You?
    5. Assessing Motivation and Sustaining Changes
    II. Managing Your Anger and Resolving Conflict
    6. What Triggers Your Anger?
    7. Derailing Anger before It Derails You
    8. Getting Control of Anger Arousal
    9. Using CBT to Identify and Change the Beliefs That Inflame Your Anger
    10. Using CBT to Identify Ongoing Anger Thinking
    11. Challenging Cognitive Distortions with Objective Thinking and Planning
    12. The Nuts and Bolts of Communicating: What You Think, How You Feel, and What You Want
    13. Collaborative Problem Solving: A No-Fail Guide for Reaching Consensus without Conflict
    14. Pulling It All Together: Becoming Aware of When and How to Use the STOP Method
    III. Resolving Conflict While Staying Calm
    15. When Someone Gets in Your Face: Setting Boundaries for Hostility and Aggression
    16. Coping with Anger That Is Passive, Yet Toxic--Overcoming Passive Aggression and Cold Anger
    17. Setbacks: Coping Successfully with the Inevitable
    Suggested Resources


    W. Robert Nay, PhD, is a clinical psychologist in private practice in McLean, Virginia, and Annapolis, Maryland, and Clinical Associate Professor at Georgetown University School of Medicine. He has trained thousands of mental health professionals nationwide to work on anger management and relationship issues with their clients. The author of Taking Charge of Anger, Second Edition, and Overcoming Anger in Your Relationship, Dr. Nay lives in Annapolis with his wife.

    This book helps you ward off the corrosive effects of anger and eradicate roadblocks to true connection and intimacy, such as cold neglect and stonewalling.  Dr. Nay drives his message home with exercises, specific suggestions, and handy reminders. In today's stressful daily life, Dr. Nay guides you to maintain your composure, communicate effectively, and improve your relationships.--Loriann Oberlin, MS, LCPC, coauthor of Overcoming Passive-Aggression

    Dr. Nay has done it again! This excellent self-help book is chock full of up-to-date information about anger assessment and anger reduction. After helping readers understand the basics of anger, including its biological, cognitive, and behavioral elements, Dr. Nay provides clear explanations about a series of effective methods that can be used to reduce anger. He provides interesting, brief, and clearly written case examples that will resonate with readers of all ages. A special part of this book is the section about staying calm while trying to resolve conflicts with others who are hostile. By reading and using this workbook and the many included worksheets, readers will learn how to reduce personal anger as well as how to deal with the anger of others. It will be very useful to clients, patients, and others interested in bringing anger under control.--Howard Kassinove, PhD, Director, Institute for the Study and Treatment of Anger and Aggression, Hofstra University

    This comprehensive yet practical book is an outstanding resource for anyone seeking to recognize and manage inappropriate anger. Dr. Nay offers anger management strategies  well grounded in clinical research, in an engaging style with multiple examples, making for an enjoyable read. Importantly, the workbook contains a logical flow of activities with step-by-step exercises for developing new skills.--Denis G. Sukhodolsky, PhD, Yale University School of Medicine

    Dr. Nay offers a way out for anyone living with unresolved anger. There is hope! After struggling to overcome my anger for many years, reading numerous books on anger management, and seeking the help of psychologists, I can say with 100% certainty that Dr. Nay’s system is the only thing that has worked. I am finally free--my life is enjoyable, my loved ones respect me, and my work life is calm. If I can do it, so can you! The worksheets and exercises included in this book are the key to success. Dr. Nay’s step-by-step guidance for overcoming anger is simple to follow and easy to apply. By the end of the book, you will have victory over your anger.--David M.
    -This is a well-done workbook that can be recommended to individuals who have challenges in dealing with anger.--Child and Family Behavior Therapy, 10/1/2015ƒƒContains many useful worksheets….In the introduction, Nay asks, Why did you pick up this workbook? It is this type of direct question Nay poses again and again to push the reader toward honest assessment and reflection. Objectivity and honesty about our behavior is critical to our acceptance of a need for change.--PsychCentral, 12/30/2014