908 Pages
    by Informa Law from Routledge

    908 Pages
    by Informa Law from Routledge

    This book covers wreck law as an integrated whole, going beyond the question of "removal" to include issues such as the ownership of wreck and how the law deals with the many commercial law problems arising after ships have been wrecked during the maritime commercial adventure.

    The book offers authoritative guidance on the genesis and meaning of the Nairobi Wreck Removal Convention 2007, and the interpretation of its often-complex provisions as they apply both to States trying to use its powers and to shipowners and liability insurers faced by its obligations. The authors explain the increasingly complex inter-relationship between linked areas of maritime law, including salvage, intervention and the overlapping international regimes which deal with pollution from oil, bunkers or hazardous and noxious substances. The book examines how a salvage operation transitions to wreck removal and links the liability provisions with the standard form international commercial contracts actually used by the industry to remove wrecks, eg BIMCO’s Wreckstage 2010, Wreckhire 2010 and Wreckfixed 2010. It also covers the complex requirements concerning the disposal of wrecks, including the latest recycling regulations applicable in 2019.

    The Law of Wreck will be of value to shipping industry professionals, insurers and legal practitioners, as well as academics and students of maritime law.

    Part I Wreck in National and International Law;

    1 Introduction to Wreck Casualties

    2. Wreck and the Maritime Commercial Adventure

    3. Rights in Relation to Wreck

    4. State Rights and Wreck

    5. Law of the Sea and Wreck

    6. Underwater Cultural Heritage

    Part II Wreck Removal Convention 2007;

    7. Wreck Removal Convention 2007: Creation

    8. Wreck Removal Convention 2007: Scope

    9. Wreck Removal Convention 2007: States’ Rights and Duties

    10. Wreck Removal Convention 2007: Shipowners’ and Insurers’ Liabilities

    11. National Wreck Removal Law and the MSA 1995 Part 9A

    Part III Wreck Removal Contracts;

    12. Transition To Wreck Removal: Salvage and SCOPIC

    13. Wreck Removal Operations and Contracts

    Part IV Wreck Disposal

    14. Wreck Disposal


    Nicholas Gaskell, University of Queensland, Australia.

    Craig Forrest, University of Queensland, Australia.