1st Edition

The Viking Road to Byzantium

By H.R. Ellis Davidson Copyright 1976

    The Viking Road to Byzantium (1976) is a major study of the Vikings who travelled east, based on the evidence of written sources and archaeology. Clues to the movements of the eastern Vikings may be found not only in Icelandic skaldic verse and runic inscriptions on memorial stones, but in such unexpected places as a Romanian chalk quarry near the Black Sea, among the carved stones of ancient Thrace and in Constantinople itself, the Miklagard of northern literature.

    Part 1. Trade and Tribute  1. Across the Baltic  2. Finnmark and Biarmaland  3. Journeys into Russia  4. The Coming of the Rus  5. Markets and Fortresses  6. The Road to Constantinople  7. The Wares They Carried  Part 2. Fighting in the East  8. The Rus as Warriors  9. The First Attacks on Constantinople  10. The Campaigns of the Rus  11. The Great Svyatoslav  12. The Varangians in Russia  13. The Last Links with Scandinavia  Part 3. Norsemen in Byzantium  14. The Varangian Guard  15. Life in Miklagard  16. A Norwegian Prince in Byzantium  17. In the Service of the Emperor  18. The Holy City  Part 4. Ideas from the East  19. Marvels and Portents  20. The Role of the Shaman  21. Odin in the East


    H.R. Ellis Davidson