Edwin  Wang Author of Evaluating Organization Development

Edwin Wang

Professor and Senior Investigator
National Research Council and McGill University Center for Bioinformatics

He is currently a senior scientist at the National Research Council Canada and a professor at the McGill University Center for Bioinformatics. His work is focused on bioinformatics, computational, and experimental systems biology. He is also interested in personalized medicine for cancer such as molecular biomarker discovery for diagnosis, prognosis, and drug response. More information, please visit homepage --- : http://www.cancer-systemsbiology.org/

Subjects: Biomedical Science


Edwin Wang received his PhD in experimental molecular genetics from the University of British Columbia in 2002. He also has undergraduate training in computer science. After working at FlyBase for a year, he moved to the Biotechnology Research Institute, National Research Council Canada, as a scientist working on bioinformatics and systems biology. He is currently a senior scientist at the National Research Council Canada and a professor at the McGill University Center for Bioinformatics. His work is focused on bioinformatics, computational, and experimental systems biology. He is also interested in personalized medicine for cancer such as molecular biomarker discovery for diagnosis, prognosis, and drug response.

More information, please visit homepage --- :


    PhD, University of British Columbia

Areas of Research / Professional Expertise

    Computational biology, Computational and experimental systems biology, personalized medicine for cancer

Personal Interests

    Computational systems biology, cancer, and bioinformatics.

    More information, please visit homepage: http://www.cancer-systemsbiology.org/



Featured Title
 Featured Title - Cancer Systems Biology - 1st Edition book cover



A step toward personalized cancer treatment in a clinical setting

By: Edwin Wang

Publised today in New England Journal of Medicine, doctors can grow "mini tumours" from each patient's cancer in a lab dish, then test various drugs or combinations on them to see which works best. It takes only a few cells from a biopsy and less than two weeks to do. The approch showed promosing results. Personalized medicine works. 

Here is the paper: Use of Reprogrammed Cells to Identify Therapy for Respiratory Papillomatosis, N Engl J Med, 367:1220-1227, 2012

A collection of tumor genome sequencing papers

By: Edwin Wang

In the past few years, a lot of efforts have been made to sequence tumor genomes. Thus far, a few thousands of tumor genomes have been sequenced. Most of the work have been published in Nature, Science and Nature Genetics. This website tends to keep track of this activity: http://www.bri.nrc.ca/wang/cancerGenome.html.