Elliot  Bendoly Author of Evaluating Organization Development

Elliot Bendoly

Distinguished Professor and Associate Dean
Fisher College of Business, The Ohio State University

Dr. Elliot Bendoly is the Fisher College of Business Distinguished, at the Ohio State University. He has served as EiC of the Journal of Operations Management, and SE at POM. His own pubs in JOM, POM, MS, ISR, MISQ and JAP, represent no less than 34 published articles, with 37 additional articles (Google scholar h-index of 46). He has authored “Excel Basics to Blackbelt”, “Handbook of Behavioral Operations Management”, “Visual Analytics for Management” and “Mastering Project Discovery”.


Dr. Elliot Bendoly is the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Students and Programs, and Fisher College of Business Distinguished Professor in the Management Sciences, at the Ohio State University.  Before joining Fisher, Dr. Bendoly was the Caldwell Research Fellow and Associate Professor at Emory University.  The professor serves as Senior Editor at the Production and Operations Management journal (Behavioral Operations and Management of Technology departments) and as Associate Editor for the Journal of Operations Management.  His own publications in POM and JOM, combined with his works in Information Systems Research, MIS Quarterly and Journal of Applied Psychology, represent no less than 24 published academic articles. An additional 28 articles appear other well regarded peer review outs.   He is the author of “Excel Basics to Black Belt”, co-editor of “Strategic ERP Extension and Use”, the “Handbook of Research in Enterprise Systems”, the "Handbook of Behavioral Operations Management", and the forthcoming book “Visual Analytics for Management”.


    PhD, Indiana University

Areas of Research / Professional Expertise

    Behavioral Operations



Featured Title
 Featured Title - Mastering Discovery - Bendoly et al - 1st Edition book cover