Janet  Goodall Author of Evaluating Organization Development

Janet Goodall

University of Bath

I'm a lecturer in Educational Leadership and Management, at the University of Bath. Over the past 10 years, I've had a special interest in parents' engagement with their children's learning, particularly as a means toward redressing some of the inequalities in the schooling system.

Subjects: Education


    EdD University of Nottingham, 2005
    STL, Universita San Tomasso (Angelicum) Rome, 1983
    BA (Theology) University of San Francisco, 1980



Featured Title
 Featured Title - Narrowing the Achievement Gap, Goodall - 1st Edition book cover


Creative Education

Overcoming mathematical helplessness and developing mathematical resilience

Published: Apr 21, 2017 by Creative Education
Authors: Goodall, J and Johnston-Wilder, S

The full title is: Overcoming mathematical helplessness and developing mathematical resilience in parents:an illustrative case study.

International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning

Technology and school–home communication

Published: Apr 21, 2016 by International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning
Authors: Goodall, Janet
Subjects: Education

This paper examines the linked concepts of school–home communications, and parental engagement in children’s learning, both of which are vital for supporting learning, particularly at times of transition. The paper examines the theoretical basis for both of these concepts. A distinction is drawn between communication (which can be simply the giving/receiving of information) and dialogue, which requires active participation by both parties.

 Journal of Beliefs and Values

Parental belief and parental engagement:How do they interact?

Published: Apr 21, 2013 by Journal of Beliefs and Values
Authors: Goodall, J. S

This article investigates literature based links between parental engagement and parental (faith) beliefs