Renata Cristina de Oliveira Tomaz Author of Evaluating Organization Development

Renata Cristina de Oliveira Tomaz

Universidade Federal Fluminense

Post-doctoral degree at Federal Fluminense University. PhD (2017) and master degree (2011) in Communication and Culture, at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Winner of the Eduardo Peñuela Prize (2018), in the category Best Doctoral Thesis. Winner of the Freitas Noble Prize (2016), awarded by the Brazilian Society of Interdisciplinary Communication Studies. Author of the books "Da negação da infância à invenção dos tweens" and "O que você vai ser antes de crescer?


Post-doctoral degree, with Capes scholarship, in the Postgraduate Program in Media and Daily Life (PPGMC), at Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), where she served as substitute professor of the Department of Cultural Studies and Media (2018-2019). He holds a PhD (2017) in Communication and Culture, in the research line Media and Sociocultural Mediation, with Faperj Aluno Note 10 Scholarship, at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, the same institution in which she completed her master's degree (2011) with Bolsa Capes, and graduated in Journalism (2004). Researcher in the Center for Media Studies, Emotions and Sociability (NEMES) and in the research group Ethics in the Consumer Society (ESC), both enrolled in CNPq. Editor of magazine Mídia e Cotidiano, linked to PPGMC, associated editor of the magazine DESidades, based in the Interdisciplinary Center for Research and Exchange for Childhood and Adolescence (Nipiac), at the UFRJ Institute of Psychology. Winner of the Eduardo Peñuela Prize (2018), awarded by the National Association of Postgraduate Programs in Communication (Compós), in the category Best Doctoral Thesis. Winner of the Freitas Noble Prize (2016), awarded by the Brazilian Society of Interdisciplinary Communication Studies (Intercom). Author of the books "From childhood denial to the invention of tweens: imperatives of autonomy in contemporary society" (Appris) and "What will you be before you grow up? Youtubers, Childhood and Celebrities"(EdUFBA).


    PhD, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro-RJ

Areas of Research / Professional Expertise

    Professional experience in print, online and electronic journalism. Research interests focus on the areas of media, childhood, youth, contemporary subjectivities, digital cultures, motherhood and social networks.


Featured Title
 Featured Title - Brazilian Youth - Pereira - 1st Edition book cover


Revista da Intercom

The invention of the tweens: youth, culture and media

Published: Sep 07, 2012 by Revista da Intercom
Authors: Renata Tomaz
Subjects: Communications Studies

Introduction Tweens: a new way of being young in the world Tweens: a symptom of contemporary culture Tweens: towards autonomy Final considerations


Programa Salto para o Futuro 2017 - O fenômeno dos youtubers mirins

Published: Sep 18, 2019

Youtubers mirins: infância e cultura lúdica digital

Published: Sep 18, 2019

Tema: “Novas tecnologias em tempos de crise" Paulo Faustino é professor da Universidade de Porto (Portugal) e da Universidade de São José (Macau). Renata Tomaz é professora da Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF). Eula D.T.Cabral é professora do Mestrado em Memória e Acervos (FCRB).

A formação e os saberes da juventude

Published: Sep 18, 2019

28 de março de 2019 A formação dos saberes e as juventudes Profa. Dra. Renata Cristina de Oliveira Tomaz – UFF Sala Ignacio Ellacuría e Companheiros – IHU | Campus Unisinos São Leopoldo A atividade integra o "Ciclo de Estudos As juventudes do Brasil. Mutações e (im)possibilidades".

A Juvenilização da sociedade contemporânea e seus impactos

Published: Sep 18, 2019

28 de março de 2019 A Juvenilização da sociedade contemporânea e seus impactos nas representações geracionais Profa. Dra. Renata Cristina de Oliveira Tomaz – UFF Sala Ignacio Ellacuría e Companheiros – IHU | Campus Unisinos São Leopoldo A atividade integra o "Ciclo de Estudos As juventudes do Brasil. Mutações e (im)possibilidades".