Math and Statistics


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Essential STEM Skills: What you need to know

Studying a STEM subject can help students develop a wide range of essential skills for their careers. This infographic showcases those skills, helping students see the valuable skills they are gaining.

Using Statistics in Research | FreeBook

This FreeBook brings together chapters to guide researchers and students through the use of various statistical methods in research.


Creativty in STEM | Chapter Sampler

This chapter sampler brings together chapters that demonstrate the importance of creativity in teaching and research across STEM fields.


Introductory Textbooks to Probability & Statistics | Chapter Sampler

This chapter sampler brings together a selection of chapters from some of our textbooks across Probability and Statistics. Download your free copy.


Future Proofing STEM Education in a Changing World | Webinar Recording

Future Proofing STEM Education in a Changing World, a live webinar-based panel discussion with Taylor & Francis authors. We consider how universities tackle the changing world in STEM industries. How does this affect degree content, student education and the instructor's role? Watch the webinar now.

Linear Models and Extensions | Freebook

Linear Models are now taught in every graduate program in statistics, sometimes at undergraduate level, and increasingly as a standard course in other fields. This CRC Press FreeBook presents six chapters from some of our leading textbooks in the field.