1st Edition

Work That Makes Sense Operator-Led Visuality, Second Edition

By Gwendolyn D. Galsworth Copyright 2022
    290 Pages 300 Color Illustrations
    by Productivity Press

    290 Pages 300 Color Illustrations
    by Productivity Press

    290 Pages 300 Color Illustrations
    by Productivity Press

    This book presents the mechanics of implementing visuality on the value-add level known as Work That Makes Sense (WTMS). The step-by-step WTMS process described in this book teaches operators a proven method for translating information deficits into visual solutions that take the struggle out of their day-to-day work. As a result, operators transform their work area into a work environment that speaks—a work environment that, by design, shares vital information in the form of visual devices that help them perform their day-to-day work with precision and completeness.

    At the heart of this visual conversion approach is an element unique to Galsworth’s paradigm called I-driven that recognizes that operators will pursue self-leadership in the company’s improvement initiatives if they are given the opportunity to learn how to do so. Also recognized is the fact that this can only happen if associates are taught—and given the opportunity to learn and apply a new system of thinking. The author calls this new system visual thinking.

    This book provides that learning pathway, in detail, supported by hundreds of actual visual solutions, developed by operators who have followed that pathway and become visual thinkers for themselves—I-driven. They become self-leaders, in control of their corner of the world and able and willing to share their strengths with others. In this way, the WTMS process produces a deep and abiding change in the company’s work culture that builds creativity and ownership. As a result, the organization’s leadership framework widens to include operators.

    When effectively applied the WTMS process detailed in this book produces 15% to 30% improvement in local KPIs, including productivity, on-time delivery, quality, and costs; these figures are documented and presented in the pages of this book.

    Written for operators, this book includes a wealth of color photographs, the majority of which are visual solutions created by visual thinkers who have lived this process for themselves. All are fully captioned and thoughtfully described. The book also includes twelve tasks that managers implement in support that they seek on the operator level. WTMS teaches that visual devices translate information into exact behavior, embedding and sustaining precision through visual solutions. Precision is built in by the same operators who execute it. This is the heart of an I-driven visual enterprise. Once learned and operationalized, this paradigm allows the organization to take on any new improvement effort. Organizational alignment and teamwork have been redefined and operationalized.

    Chapter 1. Introduction to The Visual Workplace

    A Word at the Start to Managers

    A Word at the Start to Value-Add Associates

    You Are the Expert

    What is a Visual Workplace?

    The Translation of Information into Behavior

    The Pre-Visual Workplace

    The Ten Doorways: A Workforce of Visual Thinkers

    The Benefits of a Visual Workplace

    Chapter 2. The Building Blocks of Visual Thinking

    One Simple Reason: Too Many Questions

    Building Block 1: I-driven Visuality

    Building Block 2: Standards

    Building Block 3: The Six Core Questions

    Building Block 4: Information Deficits

    Building Block 5: Motion

    Building Block 6: Work

    Building Block 7: Value Field

    Building Block 8: Motion Metrics

    Putting It All Together

    About the Examples in This Book


    Chapter 3. Your Implementation Tool Box

    Knowledge and Know-How

    The Three Outcomes

    Achieve a Showcase

    Achieve Trackable Bottom Line Results

    Adopt an Attitude of Learning

    Your Implementation Tool Box: The Five Tools

    Tool 1: Your Vision Place

    Tool 2: Your Laminated Map

    Tool 3: Your Visual Workplace Hit List

    Tool 4: Visual Workplace Supplies

    Tool 5: Visual Workplace Blitz


    Chapter 4. Smart Placement: Logic, Meaning, Mapping

    The Logic: Function + Location = Flow

    Smart Placement Begins with Thinking

    Two Powerful Maps

    Ideas, People, and Minority Reports

    Your What-Is Map: Step-by-Step

    Chapter 5. Smart Placement Principles (1-7)

    Your Could-Be Map: Step-by-Step

    Principle 1. Locate Function at/near the Point-of-Use

    Principle 2. Nothing on the Floor/Nothing on Top

    Principle 3. Capture the Range of Full Function

    Principle 4. No Doors/No Drawers

    Principle 5. Put It on Wheels

    Principle 6. Make It Ergonomically Sound

    Principle 7. Make Function Appear/Disappear at Will

    Next Steps


    Chapter 6. Smart Placement Principles (8-14)

    Principle 8. Let Flow Do the Work

    Principle 9. Do Major/Minor Sorts (Sort the Universe)

    Principle 10. Co-locate Different Functions

    Principle 11. Use the Existing Architecture

    Principle 12. Store Things Not Air (Squeeze Out the Air)

    Principle 13. Double the Function

    Principle 14. Use the Natural Flow Line

    Next Steps


    Chapter 7. Visual Where: Borders

    The Visual Where

    Begin with Borders

    The Logic of Borders: Six Reasons

    The Mind is a Pattern-Seeking Mechanism

    Smarter Borders: Adding Dimensions of Meaning

    Color-Coded Borders

    Applying Borders: Follow a Step-by-Step Process

    Next Steps

    Good for Laughs

    Chapter 8. Visual Where: Address and ID Label

    Address Basics

    Making Your Addresses More Effective: Five Tips

    Making Your Addresses More Powerful: Eight Innovations

    Address by Function

    Warehouse Addresses

    ID Labels

    The Visual Where: A Personal Testimony



    Chapter 9. Ourselves and Others

    Terms and Definitions: Inertia and Resistance

    The Parable of the Rowers

    Chapter 10. Results

    Results-1: LM Aero

    Results-2: Skyworks Solutions

    Results-3: Motorola

    Results-4: Trailmobile

    Results-5: Bio-Medical Facility

    Results-6: Brandt Engineering Products


    Chapter 11. Visual Mini-Systems & Customer-Driven

    Visual Mini-Systems: Major Motion Busters

    The Visual Inventiveness of John Pacheco

    Mini-System Opportunities

    The Visual Inventiveness of Margie Herrera (I)

    The Laminated Map: Tracking Your Progress

    Common Areas: The Prototype-Pilot Process

    The Visual Inventiveness of Margie Herrera (II)

    Customer-Driven Visuality

    The Visual Inventiveness of Rick Ell

    Next Steps

    Chapter 12. The Four Power Levels

    Translating Information into Visual Devices

    The Four Power Levels

    Visual Indicators

    Visual Signals

    Visual Controls

    Visual Guarantees

    Learning to See

    Chapter 13. We Are Visual Beings



    Gwendolyn D. Galsworth