184 Pages
    by Routledge

    184 Pages
    by Routledge

    In this handy volume, two professors of religious studies provide the student of religious studies - whether the motivated undergraduate, graduate student, or professor - with a brief review of theorists' work from the perspective of religious studies. For example, in 5-10 pages, the reader will get a review of Emmanuel Levinas's work as it offers insights for scholars in religious studies, followed by a selected bibliography. In short, this is a guide for students of religious studies that will take major theoretical writers in the humanities and social sciences and explain their relevance to the study of religion.


    1. Sigmund FREUD
    2. Karl MARX
    3. Friedrich NIETZSCHE
    4. Ferdinand de SAUSSURE


    5. Louis ALTHUSSER
    6. Mikhail BAKHTIN
    7. Roland BARTHES
    8. Georges BATAILLE
    10. Walter BENJAMIN
    11. Pierre BOURDIEU
    12. Judith BUTLER
    13. Hélène CIXOUS
    14. Gilles DELEUZE and Félix GUATTARI
    15. Jacques DERRIDA
    16. Michel FOUCAULT
    17. Hans-Georg GADAMER
    18. Luce IRIGARAY
    19. Julia KRISTEVA
    20. Jacques LACAN
    21. Henri LEFEBVRE
    22. Emmanuel LEVINAS
    23. Jean-François LYOTARD
    24. Maurice MERLEAU-PONTY
    25. Edward W. SAID
    26. Gayatri Chakravorty SPIVAK
    27. Hayden WHITE
    28. Raymond WILLIAMS
    29. Slavoj ZIZEK


    William Deal is Severance Associate Professor of Religion at Case Western Reserve University. Timothy Beal is Harkness Professor of Biblical Literature and Director of the Baker-Nord Center for the Humanities at Case Western Reserve University; he is the author, most recently, of Religion and Its Monsters, also published by Routledge

    "Clear, crisp and cogent: all words the reader will use to describe this superb new reference book on contemporary theories and the study of religion. According to authors William Deal and Tim Beal, theory is a way of seeing, of viewing a subject in order to understand. The authors help us to see religion in many new ways by providing overviews of contemporary theories and their usefulness in viewing religion. Undergraduates, graduate students and faculty members will find this an excellent introduction to contemporary theories and to new ways of understanding religion." - Rebecca Chopp, Colgate University