1st Edition

From Max Weber Essays in Sociology

By Max Weber Copyright 2009

    Max Weber (1864-1920) was one of the most prolific and influential sociologists of the twentieth century. This classic collection draws together his key papers. This edition contains a new preface by Professor Bryan S. Turner.

    PREFACE TO THE NEW EDITION INTRODUCTION: THE MAN AND HIS WORK 1. A Biographical View 2. Political Concerns 3. Intellectual Orientations PART I: SCIENCE AND POLITICS 4. Politics as a Vocation 5. Science as a Vocation PART 2: POWER 6. Structures of Power 7. Class, Status Party 8. Bureaucracy 9. The sociology of Charismatic Authority 10.The Meaning of Discipline PART 3: RELIGION 11. The Social Psychology of the World Religions 12. The Protestant Sects and the Spirit of Capitalism 13. Religious Rejections of the World and Their Directions PART 4: SOCIAL STRUCTURES 4. Capitalism and Rural Society in Germany 15. National Character and the Junkers 16. India: The Brahman and the Castes 17. The Chinese Literati


    Bryan S. Turnerisa leading Weber scholar and contemporary sociologist. He has edited Max Weber: Critical Responses (Routledge 1999) and Max Weber on Economy and Society , with Robert Holton (Routledge 1989), and is the founding editor with John O'Neill of the Journal of Classical Sociology.