220 Pages
    by Routledge

    220 Pages
    by Routledge

    This book locates Elias's work clearly within the development of sociology and also against the background of current debates.
    Between the 1930s and the 1980s he developed a unique approach to social theory which is now beginning to take root in contemporary social research and theory. Since the translation of his work into English began to accelerate in the 1980s, a growing number of books and articles on topics including health, sexuality, crime, national and ethnic identity, femininity and globalization, in a variety of disciplines, make positive reference to Elias as an authority on the history of emotions, identity, violence, the body and state formation.

    Other books in series include:
    Daniel Bell Malcolm Waters Hb 0415105773, Pb 0414105781 £37.50, £11.99
    Emile Durkheim Kenneth Thompson Pb 0415034613 £10.99
    Jurgen Habermas Michael Pusey Pb 0415104513 £10.99
    Max Weber Frank Parkin Pb 0415034620 £7.99
    Michel Foucault Barry Smart Pb 0415036763 £10.99
    Pierre Bourdieu Richard Jenkins Pb 0415057981 £9.99


    Van Krieken, Robert