1st Edition

Statecraft, Domestic Politics, And Foreign Policy Making The El Chamizal Dispute

By Alan C Lamborn, Stephen P Mumme Copyright 1988

    This book discusses the history of the El Chamizal dispute, integrating theories of statecraft with the domestic environment for choice that is built on an analysis of how key factions within policy coalitions react to the policy and political risks attached to the different foreign policy options.

    Introduction -- Foreign Policy Analysis: The Domestic Politics of Strategic Choice -- The Conventional Account -- The Truman Rounds from the Perspective of Statecraft -- Coalition Building in the Truman Rounds -- Bridge to Settlement: Domestic and Diplomatic Coalitions Under Eisenhower and Kennedy -- Conclusion -- Maps -- Treaties and Conventions -- Principal Participants During the Truman and Eisenhower Administrations -- July 1954 Memorandum on the Chamizal by T.R. Martin -- August 1956 Memorandum on the Chamizal by John M. Cates


    Alan C. Lamborn, Stephen P. Mumme