304 Pages
    by Routledge

    304 Pages
    by Routledge

    First published in 1957.

    This volume provides a broad survey of economic progress in China from 1949 to 1952 and covers the historical background, China's economic system, industralisation and planning, the first Five Year Plan in industry, agriculture, transport, commerce and finance, education and health and foreign trade. The work is supplemented with an extensive bibliography, maps and statistical tables.

    I: The Background; II: Economic Progress from 1949 to 1952; III: China's Economic System; IV: Industrialisation and Planning; V: The First Five Year Plan in Industry; VI: Agriculture, 1; VII: Agriculture, 2; VIII: Transportation and Commerce; IX: Finance; X: Living Conditions, Education and Health; XI: Foreign Trade; Conclusion


    Solomon Adler

    " Mr Adler's (book) is the first to give a complete and systematic account of the Chinese economy.." - The Cambridge Review

    can be recommended as the best single introduction to the study of the new Chinese economy in English by any western writer. - Labour Monthly

    (this book) is important to both specialists and students (the author's) profound knowledge and experience crystallize in this comprehensive, lucid and well-designed account - Journal of the Royal Central Asian Society