2nd Edition

A History of Psychology Globalization, Ideas, and Applications

    Global, interdisciplinary, and engaging, this textbook integrates materials from philosophical and biological origins to the historical development of psychology. Its extensive coverage of women, minorities, and psychologists around the world emphasizes psychology as a global phenomenon while looking at both local and worldwide issues. This perspective highlights the relationship between psychology and the environmental context in which the discipline developed. In tracing psychology from its origins in early civilizations, ancient philosophy, and religions to modern science, technology, and applications, this book integrates overarching psychological principles and ideas that have shaped the global history of psychology, keeping an eye toward the future of psychology. Updated and revised throughout, this new edition also includes a new chapter on clinical psychology.

    Section I: The Present: Globalization, Psychology, and History

    1. Contemporary Psychology: Global Forces

    2. Psychology: The American Approach

    3. Nature of History and Methods of Study

    Section II: Early Philosophical and Biological Foundations of Scientific Psychology

    4. Philosophical Foundations of Psychology

    5. Biological Foundations of Psychology

    6. Phrenology, Mesmerism, and Hypnosis

    7. Associationism

    Section III: Schools of Psychology

    8. Voluntarism and Structuralism

    9. Functionalism

    10. Behaviorism

    11. Gestalt Psychology

    12. Psychoanalysis

    13. Beyond Psychoanalysis: Continuing Developments in Psychotherapy

    Section IV: Diversity in Psychology

    14. Women in the History of Psychology

    15. Racial Diversity in American Psychology

    16. Psychology in Russia

    17. Psychology in China

    18. Indigenous Psychologies: Latin America, South Africa, and India-Asia

    Section V: Epilogue

    19. Clinical Psychology


    Robert B. Lawson is Professor Emeritus of Psychological Science at the University of Vermont, where he has taught graduate and undergraduate level History of Psychology for the past 40 years. He also served in many academic administrative roles at the University of Vermont and elsewhere, which included Associate Vice President for Research and Dean of the Graduate College. He is the author of four psychology textbooks.

    E. Doris Anderson is a lecturer at the University of Vermont’s Master of Public Administration Program and systems development and mediation consultant for A&L Associates. She has experience in psychiatric nursing and work with public and nonprofit organizations. She is co-author of Psychology and Systems at Work (2013).

    Antonio Cepeda-Benito is a Professor of Psychological Science at the University of Vermont. His research connects the disciplines of behavioral neuroscience and clinical psychology to investigate drug addiction and eating disorders. He has been awarded the Texas A&M Academic Inspiration Award for teaching, Texas A&M Provost Outstanding Individual Achievement Diversity Award, and National Hispanic Science Network Excellence Awards for Public Service and for Mentoring.

    'This has been my favorite text for my History of Psychology course; there is no other text on the market quite like it. This volume provides a rare "wide lens" view of Psychology both from an international and gender inclusive vantage point. The new volume will serve as foundational material for our newly developed Cross-Cultural and International Psychology concentration. Bravo to the authors for this landmark work!' Jonathan Appel, Professor, Department of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Tiffin University