1st Edition

Africa's Critical Choices A Call for a Pan-African Roadmap

Edited By Dunod Editeur Copyright 2023

    This volume examines contemporary Africa, a vast continent which, while entering the era of globalization, is also confronted by a number of issues, including the environment and climate change, demographics, trade issues, internal and external migration, education, economic Issues, governance, and the influence of other countries. Written by former Prime Minister of Niger and current Chief Executive Officer of the Secretariat of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD), Dr Ibrahim Assane Mayaki, this book offers an overview of Africa, and looks to the next generation of leaders in the continent, aiming to offer a manifesto for future change.

    Table of contents

    Preface 3

    Introduction 7

    Africa and globalisation 7

    A slowdown ripe for reforms 8

    Ten decisive years 8

    Using our resources 9

    The institutional key 9

    The challenges

    1. The spectre of recolonisation 13

    Unfair control of capital? 15

    Africans have the power 17

    Civil society has to choose its battles well 19

    2. Migration and trade: Africa has the choice of its tools 21

    Time for understanding and action 21

    Changes in migration 23

    Asymmetrical exchanges
    and unfair competition 26

    A wider diversification of partners
    is urgently needed 27

    3. The threat of competing Africas 31

    Rupture begets rupture 33

    The frantic race for first place 34

    The virtues of diversity 36

    4. African states faced with climate change 39

    Distress signals are coming
    from all over Africa 40

    Adaptation offers an opportunity, butÉ 41

    The mobilisation of technical and financial resources is indispensable 42

    Restoring lands, a key to the re--establishment of communities 44

    Halting climate--induced migration 46

    A singular voice for Africa 47

    5. Unique and uncontrolled demographics 49

    Demographic growth is predictable and manageable 50

    Prevention: the keys to success 51

    The demographic dividend and the green revolution 53

    Agricultural corridors: from the informal to the creation of shared wealth 54

    6. African youth, between tradition 
    and modernity

    The digital multiplier effect 58

    Tradition’s paradoxical compensatory effect 61


    The keys

    7. Reclaiming our intellectual sovereignty 65

    A great disruption 66

    Foreign investment
    and why we must be vigilant 67

    Basic education, universities and research 67

    Prioritise and measure the effectiveness of education 69

    Cultural heritage, the pillar of our intellectual sovereignty 70

    8. What pan--Africanism means 73

    The path to collective emancipation 74

    Integration, an ambitious political innovation 75

    9. The regional perspective as a solution
    to national challenges

    Security problems do not respect borders 80

    The fragmentation of skills 82

    10. Towards the co--production of public policy 85

    On the subject of legislative systems 86

    Citizen engagement and the question of appropriation 89

    11. The informal sector, new technologies and industrialisation 93

    Informality is a way of lifeÉ 94

    É that remains brutal and dysfunctional 95

    Towards a well--thought--out and smooth
    transition to the formal sector 96

    New technologies: tools for employment,
    access to credit and taxation 98

    What can governments do to accelerate this transition? 99

    Information and communications technologies cannot do everything, but they can promote industrialisation 101

    12. Ruralisation of cities or urbanisation
    of the countryside?

    The continent’s urbanisation 105

    African modalities of urbanisation 106

    Rethinking the relationship
    between cities and rural areas 108

    Spillover effects 109

    The Òcall of the cityÓ is also the call of the countryside 110

    13. The African farmer, an entrepreneur like any other 113

    The obstacle of an outdated clichŽ 114

    How to create agricultural employment 115

    Alternative financing sources 117

    The protection of farmers’ rights should be at the heart of future policies 118

    Epilogue 121

    Notes 125

    Glossary 137

    Index of names 139

    General index 141

    About the author 151


    Dr Ibrahim Assane Mayaki is the Chief Executive Officer of the Secretariat of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD). Born in Niger in 1951, he obtained a Master’s Degree from the National School of Public Administration (Enap), Québec, Canada and a PhD in Administrative Sciences from University of Paris I, France. He first worked as professor of Public Administration and Management in Niger and Venezuela during the periods 1978-82 and 1985-87. From 2000 to 2004, Dr Mayaki was a guest Professor at the University of Paris XI, where he lectured on international relations and organizations; he also led research at the Research Centre on Europe and the Contemporary World within that University. His political career started in 1997, when, under the presidency of Ibrahim Bare Mainassara, he joined the cabinet of Niger as Minister in charge for African Integration and Co-operation, before holding the position of Foreign Minister. He was appointed Prime Minister of the country in November 1997. He remained in charge until January 2000. As Prime Minister of Niger, Ibrahim Assane Mayaki played a catalyst role in enhancing the social dialogue in the country. He initiated the creation of relevant technical committees in charge of the negotiations with social partners. He also created the Public Policy Analysis Circle (Cercle d’analyse des politiques publiques), a think tank focusing on health and education policy. He was appointed as NEPAD’s Chief Executive Officer in January 2009.