1st Edition

Nazi Germany

Edited By Harald Kleinschmidt Copyright 2007

    The volume reproduces a set of recently-published articles demonstrating the embeddedness of Nazi genocide and other crimes against humanity in a German society that was haunted by practices of denunciation. Far from being an inexplicable invasion of evil into otherwise sound German society, the genocide and other crimes against humanity were committed not merely by members of SS organizations but by common people, civilians and military men alike, within Germany as well as in occupied territories, during the late 1930s and World War II. Although analyzing the past, the book also seeks contribute to current debates on the causes of genocide and other crimes against humanity.

    Contents: Series preface; Introduction; Part I The SS-State: 'Working towards the Führer'. Reflections on the nature of the Hitler dictatorship, Ian Kershaw; The anatomy of a volkspartei, Jürgen W. Falter and Detlef Mühlberger. Part II Elimination of Privacy: The 'private' became the 'public'. Wives as denouncers in the 3rd Reich, Vandana Joshi; Social penetration and police action: collaboration structures in the repertory of Gestapo activities, Klaus-Michael Mallmann. Part III Moulding Future Generations Through Sports and Youth Organizations: 34 gold medallists: Nazi women remember the 'kampfzeit', Herbert D. Andrews; Leni Riefenstahl's Olympia. A documentary film as instrument of propaganda?, Guido Rings; Creating conformity. The training of girls in the Bund Deutscher Mädel, Lisa Pine. Part IV Economic Organization and the War: Plundering Jewish Property and Enforcing Slave Labour: Big business and the persecution of the Jews; the Flick concern and the 'Aryanization' of Jewish property before the war, L.M. Stallbaumer; Labour and extermination: economic interest and the primacy of weltanschauung in National Socialism, Ulrich Herbert; Triangle: foreign workers, German civilians and the Nazi regime. War and society in Württemberg, 1939-45, Jill Stephenson. Part V Abuse of Science: Medicine, male bonding and homosexuality in Nazi Germany, Harry Oosterhuis; Assessing neuropathological research carried out on victims of the 'euthanasia' programme, Jürgen Pfeiffer. Part VI Preparing the Holocaust: The Nazi party and its violence against the Jews, 1933-1939: violence as a historiographical concept, Armin Nolzen; Big business and 'Aryanization' in Germany, 1933-1939, Peter Hayes. Part VII Implementing the Holocaust: Were the perpetrators of genocide 'ordinary men' or 'real Nazis'? Results from 1500 biographies, Michael Mann; Struggle and survival. Jewish women in the anti-Fascist resistance in Germany, Simone Erpel. Part VIII Knowing and Remembering the Hol


    Harald Kleinschmidt is Professor of History at the University of Tsukuba, Japan.