2nd Edition

Turbomachinery Basic Theory and Applications, Second Edition

By Earl Logan, Jr. Copyright 1993

    "This entirely updated and enlarged Second Edition broadens the scope of the previous edition while maintaining its concise, easy-to-read style in presenting the basic principles of turbomachine theory and its application to specific devices -- providing immediately useful step-by-step procedures that show how the essentials of turbomachinery are applied in design and to predict performance. "

    "Types of Turbomachines Basic Relations Dimensionless Quantities Centrifugal Pumps and Fans Centrifugal Compressors Axial-Flow Compressors, Pumps, and Fans Radial-Flow Gas Turbines Axial Flow Gas Turbines Steam Turbines Hydraulic Turbines Wind Turbines Appendixes "


    Earl Logan Jr.