370 Pages
    by CRC Press

    DNAPL Site Evaluation covers long-term contamination of ground water by DNAPL (dense non-aqueous phase liquids) chemicals. The book develops a framework for planning and implementing DNAPL site characterization activities. It provides detailed methods to identify, characterize, and monitor sites and analyzes their utility, limitations, risks, availability, and cost. Methods to interpret contaminant fate and transport are identified, and new site characterization methods are assessed.
    DNAPL Site Evaluation will maximize the cost-effectiveness of site investigation/remediation by providing the best information available to describe and evaluate methods to be used for determining the presence, fate, and transport of subsurface DNAPL contamination. The book will be a useful reference for groundwater professionals and environmental regulatory personnel.

    Executive Summary. Introduction. Scope of Problem. Properties of Fluid and Media. DNAPL Transport: Processes, Conceptual Models, and Assessment. DNAPL Site Characterization Objectives/Strategies. DNAPL Site Identification and Investigation Implications. Noninvasive Characterization Methods. Invasive Methods. Laboratory Measurements: Methods and Costs. Case Studies. Research Needs. References. Appendices.


    James W. Mercer, Robert M. Cohen