1st Edition

More Alternative Shakespeare Auditions for Women

By Simon Dunmore Copyright 2000

    Following on his successful Alternative Shakespeare Auditions for Women, Simon Dunmore presents even more underappreciated speeches that will make a classical audition sound fresh.

    1: Shakespeare – The Actors’ Writer; 1: The Lives and Times of Shakespeare’s People; 1: Auditioning Shakespeare; The Speeches; 1: All’s Well That Ends well; 1: All’s well That Ends Well; 1: Antony and cleopatra; 1: Antony and Cleopatra; 1: Antony and Cleopatra; 1: Antony and Cleopatra; 1: Coríolanus; 1: Corilanus; 1: Cymbeline; 1: Cymbeline; 1: Hamlet; 1: Henry iv part 1; 1: Henry iv part 2; 1: Henry iv part 2; 1: Henry viii; 1: Henry VIII; 1: King john; 1: Kíng Lear; 1: love’s Labours Lost; 1: love’s Labours lost; 1: The Merchant of Venice; 1: The Merchant of Venice; 1: The Merry wives of Windsor; 1: The Merry wives of Windsor; 1: Much Ado About Nothing; 1: Much Ado About Nothing; 1: Othello; 1: Pericles; 1: Pericles; 1: Pericles; 1: Ríchard II; 1: Ríchard III; 1: Richard III; 1: The Tempest; 1: The Tempest; 1: Títus Andronícus; 1: Títus Andronícus; 1: Títus Andronícus; 1: Títus Andronícus; 1: Troílus and Cressída; 1: Troilus and cressida; 1: Troílus and Cressída; 1: Twelfth Night; 1: Twelfth Night; 1: The Two Gentlemen of Verona; 1: The two Noble Kínsmen; 1: The Two Noble Kinsmen; 1: The Two Noble Kinsmen; 1: The Two Noble Kinsmen; 1: The winter’s Tale


    Simon Dunmore